
better get in gear

So tomorrow is the 5 mile run. I am SO far from prepared. I didn't do any of my maintenence runs this week and honestly barely worked out at all. The week was crazy and I was so worn out and tired that my free time was taken up by sleeping. I'm just thrilled that I have done 5 miles many times before, so while tomorrow won't be the easiest run ever I know it'll be just fine.


Timed Run

Today I did a "make up" 3 mile timed run since I missed last week. I ran the entire 3 miles, only walking for 30 seconds - 3 times - in about 35 minutes. I felt great at the end and had even better news when I was placed in Marian and Indra's pace group That was where I was hoping to end up. So...that means I'm training at a 13 minute mile (that was where I started last year before I dropped back to a 13:30) and running a 4:1 run walk ratio (which is 1 minute longer run ratio than last year). If I run the 1/2 marathon at that pace I'll come in around 2 hours 49 mins. I'm hoping to be able to finish quicker than that - under 2:40 is my goal. That should not be too far off of a goal based on where I'll be training. I have to say that I am SO excited to be starting this again. I don't feel quite as prepared as I was last year regarding gear etc but running wise I feel great. This week I need to get some new socks and sports beans. I have to dig out my water belt and make my meat sauce for Friday night dinners. It'll be tough to get back in the boring friday night routine - no going out late or eating out - pasta w/ home made meat sauce and early bed time will make for good Saturday runs. Feeling great so far...can't wait to see some fundraising money come in and have my fundraising Cookie Lee party in 2 weeks. :o)


one step at a time...

Am I really doing this? Am I really going to train for 2 1/2 marathons? Am I really going to do 2 maintenence runs during the week, forgo eating out on Friday nights, go to bed early, forgo sleeping in on Saturday mornings to run? Yep! I did my first maintenence run today and it left me wondering why it was so hard. The last few runs I've done- I've done continuous without a walk/run ratio. This time I ran a 4:1 but I may have sped up my run quite a bit. My body felt great but boy was I winded...ugh! It could have also been because I already weight lifted at 5 this morning and ran after a 45 min. pilates class. I also was not truly hydrated and I hadn't eaten anything in a while. So...here's to hoping my next run is a bit easier (these are suppose to be the easy ones!).

Overall I'm super excited to be running again - and starting training 30 pounds lighter than last year - that's got to help my training and race time for sure!