

It's been almost 3 months since my last post. Apparently I'm a slacker blogger and somewhat of a slacker runner this year. Last year I followed the rules line by line because it was the unknown, however now that I know I can run a half marathon I've somehow relaxed a bit. I haven't been super at getting in my maintenence runs (ok so I've only done a handful of them all season) and I've even missed some saturday runs. My first half marathon of the season is only one month away and there are no more travel plans for the summer so I have no reason to miss anymore runs.

On a fundraising note - I have some of the best family and friends ever - I've already raised about $650 and only have $100 left to reach my goal! In these tough economic times it amazes me that people are still willing to donate. I've also been a slacker on thank you notes - I promise they are coming!!

I recently bought new running sneakers so I'm in the process of breaking them in on my short runs (which I'm now forcing myself to do) so that they'll be ready for the 14 miler in 2 1/2 weeks. This saturday is the 2nd 12 miler - desperately hoping the humidity is lower by Saturday!!

The schedule for the rest of the running season:
This Satuday - 12 miles
8/15 - 7 miler (I think)
8/22 - the BIG RUN - 14 miles (I missed this run and celebration last year for my Adams family reunion - I am SO looking forward to it this year)
8/29 - 6 or 7 miler
9/4 - I leave for Virginia Beach, VA to spend Labor Day weekend getting ready to RUN!
9/6 - VA Beach Rock N Roll 1/2 Marathon - My personal goal is finishing in 2:45 (last year's time was 3:09)
9/13 - 6 mile run on my own
9/20 - Philly Distance Run - my 2nd half of the year! I can't wait to do this on my own - I'm excited to run something different but am slightly intimidated that there will be hills - especially since I run in FLAT Easton!

After my 2nd half I plan on being lazy for a bit them getting back into a serious routine at the Y - lifting and doing cardio that does not involve running for a while!

I am SO SO SO thankful for NO injuries and relatively little pain after long runs. I love being able to encourage our newer runners. It's so nice knowing that I can do this!!

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