
Wasting Money

So my theme for today was stop wasting money. I pay $38 a month to be a member of the YMCA. Several months ago (maybe February) I stopped going to the Y because the parking was ridiculous. OK so that was an OK excuse for a while but then I just got lazy. When running started I enjoyed doing so outside and continued to donate $38 to the YMCA every month without using their services. So today I went - for the first time in a LONG time. So long that I hadn't seen the renovations. After being slightly intimidated by the new machines and layout I had a great workout. I only did 15 minutes on the elliptical because my main purpose was to weight train. I sucked up the embarrassment and read the instructions on most machines because they are so different from the old ones. I lifted for about a half hour - I have a feeling I'm going to be quite sore tomorrow. I've certainly missed working out and will continue. When I did the hip abductor and adductor machine I could feel I was working the area that has been bothering me during my run. I am going to faithfully do that machine and hopefully strengthen so that the hip pain does not continue. The stretching I did yesterday and today has certainly helped with any post run soreness. I can barely tell I ran 9 miles yesterday. Apparently I was not stretching well enough before!
My other wasting money realization was my weight watchers online donation. I pay to use their services online to track my points, find recipes etc. and lately because I've been eating so poorly I haven't tracked my weight or points. I did so today - I logged my weight in and cringed when I saw my pounds lost go down with my weight gain. I restarted my week today and ate wonderfully! I did well on fruits and veggies and ate balanced meals. I ate totally on points today and even had ice cream without going into any flex points. I even earned 3 points in activity at the Y.
So...no more wasting money - I WILL go to the Y more faithfully and use my weight watchers online subscription. I am actually going to a gentle yoga class tomorrow morning that says it focuses mainly on flexibility. I'm hoping I don't look like a fool and that I enjoy it. While tomorrow morning is suppose to be HUMID, tomorrow evening shouldn't be bad so I'll do my maintenance run then. Two workouts in one day?? Who is this person? :)


9 down...4 to go

At 5 am - I woke up wondering why my alarm was going off but I thankfully felt pretty awake. I ate breakfast, got dressed and headed out the door way early. Our run began a little late since poor Robin had to organize everything by herself this week since Amy and Lea Ann were out of town. My group walked to the 1 mile marker to meet up with our full marathoner addition to our group. From the 1 mile mark we headed on our way. It was hot and humid and but the running wasn't too bad. I had taken 2 Tylenol this morning to hopefully avoid the hip pain I've been feeling while running. It did in fact help. My much needed water stop was at the end of rails to trails and enjoyed filling up on water and Gatorade and eating a few skittles. Totally loved having the skittles at each water stop - nice sweet treat along the way. About half way through S started to feel her ankle bothering her after injuring it earlier this week. We agreed to send her home to rest it rather than injure it further. I wanted so bad to be done at 5 corners. For weeks now 5 corners has been the stopping point. It was painful to realize that after 5 corners we had 2 more miles to go. By this point I was worrying about continuing to run. I kept checking my watch and counting down to the next walk break - my right foot started to go numb as the pain in my right hip increased. I stopped to stretch a bit but with little relief. By the time we were mid loop behind the Y, my leg started to go numb. I decided I needed to walk a bit more and we took a little longer of a walk break. At the 8 mile mark I just couldn't do it. G was wonderful and waited with me walking as I needed to. We walked at least half of the final mile - running maybe 2 mins or so at a time and walking for 2 or 3 mins. When the 9 mile marker was in sight we decided to just run to finish. Walking did relieve some of the numbness but not all. It certainly did not help my mood, but we did finish only 4 1/2 mins after our goal pace time. With the amount of walking we did, as well as a few minutes spent at water stops, I was surprised and pleased that we finished so close to pace time. We must have been running faster than a 13 min. mile.
After the run I munched on some watermelon then headed to bagel bakery with D and her daughter. I never in my life have looked at a bagel and not devoured it. I just didn't really want it. I should have just bagged it up and ate when I felt better but I did eat it and drink some OJ. I spent a good amount of time in the bathroom when I got home - not sure why though. I ate Shot bloks rather than sport beans this run - I wonder if that had any effect or not. I think next week I'll try only sport beans and see if that helps. I took a cold shower and stretched and am forcing myself to drink a G2 to replace some salt since I was VERY salty at the end of the run. So overall I was a little disappointed in my amount of walking and my numb foot and leg but I just need to mentally keep a positive head about it. My goal this week is to get both maintenance runs in as well as 2 trips to the Y to lift a bit. If the numbness continues during my runs this week or during next Saturday's 10 miler I'm going to make a doctors appointment.


9 miler eve

Tomorrow morning is the 9 mile run at 6am. Have I mentioned that lately? For some reason this week is freaking me out a bit. All along I've been very positive about this running thing. Two weeks ago after eating poorly and being sore I punked out and walked the 7 mile. Two days later I did run the 7 miles with Nicole. Last Saturday I was driving back to NC and missed the 8 miler. Tuesday morning Nicole and I ran the 8 miles. This will be my first week back with my pace group and for some reason I am really nervous as doubts start to set in about being able to run for nearly 2 hours - keeping a consistent pace - and not being super sore in my hips. Maybe the nerves come from the fact that I didn't do any maintenance runs (minus the 8 miles on Tuesday). Or maybe it comes from the fact that I still am not eating totally on track. Maybe it's the massive life transitions lately - summer vacation - 2 grad classes - friends moving to NC - getting ready to move myself etc. Maybe it's because this is the last single digit mile week. Tomorrows run is only 4 miles shy of a half marathon - can I really do this? I know I can - I'm over half way there but it's still a bit of a mental battle. I wanted to be in a much better place physically at this point in training. I'm sure tomorrow will be just fine (even though our two coaches won't be there). I just need to silence the negative thoughts and just prove to myself tomorrow that I can do this.


my priorities

This morning I was slated to awake at 6:55, get dressed and go on a 40 minute maintenance run. This morning at 6:55 I hit snooze. I hit the snooze again at 7:04, 7:13, 7:19, and 7:28. My alarm was shut off at 7:37 and I finally rolled out of bed at 8:35. Hmm...definitely not going to get in a maintenance run, breakfast, and shower before leaving for Jay and Ellen's at 9:40. It's summer, sleeping is important right?? I shouldn't feel too guilty about missing the run right?? If I don't get a chance to run tonight I will attempt again tomorrow morning since I cannot hit the snooze Saturday morning otherwise I'd miss my 6am 9 mile run.
On an eating note: Today is the new start of eating healthy again - back to points - back to fruits & veggies - back to being better at working out.


8 miler

This morning Nicole and I woke up at 6:15 and got ready to run. I fought a bad mood about having to run. After not running for a whole week and gaining a ridiculous amount of weight I felt slightly less than peachy when we started out. I was huffin and puffin and I could feel the fact that I had put on weight. My hips keep getting super sore but they are not popping anymore. The weather was perfect - mid 60s and slightly breezy - great for a run and it did help my mood. Overall the run went well - we finished right on target time - 1 hour and 44 mins. My goal today is not to sit too much since I am S O R E already. I have so much to do before I head back to the land of fried food and sweet tea on Saturday, including a 5 and 12 page paper for my grad classes. I figure I'll so my maintenance run Thursday and then the 9 miler back with my pace group will be on Saturday at 6am - eek (not in reference to the running but the time change).



I am back from the land of fried food, sweet tea and BBQ and am only 3 pounds (eek) larger. Ugh. I did do a maintenance run Wednesday morning in VA but once we arrived in NC and began to eat the world, running or for that matter eating healthy was not a focus. I was going to run my missed 8 miler this morning but Nicole and I decided it might be better to get back on track more with what we're eating then run the 8 miler Tuesday morning. I am also still super sore from painting - my hamstrings remind me of the hours of painting and swatting to do trim work in E and J's awesome new house.
I won't miss any more Saturday runs until my family reunion which falls on our 14 mile run. The only other time I will be eating not so wonderful will be next weekend and early week when I'm back in the land of fried food to help E and J move. Then it's back on points, maintenance runs and cross training at the Y. I'm looking forward to focusing on being healthy and in shape this summer.


7 miles again

After wimping out on the 7 mile run on Saturday, I ran 7 miles this morning. I started on rails to trails at my apartment and did the 7 mile loop ending back at the apartment. Nicole and I ran together since she was away on Saturday and we did my 3:1 ratio and finished the 7 miles in 1 hour and 26 mins - 5 mins faster than my set pace. I'm still in a state of shock that on the first weekday of summer vacation I woke up at 5:45 and ran 7 miles - who is this person??
Since I'll be leaving tomorrow night to go to NC I'll miss next Saturday as well so I'll do the 8 miler Sunday morning. I'm hoping that I can do my maintenance runs this week and attempt to eat well while eating out every meal (ACK!). I've worked so stinkin hard to loose weight and with all the school year ending mess I've gained 4 pounds back - I know I'll gain some this week because I won't be able to control where I eat - I just hope that I can stick to making the best choices possible. I don't want to set myself back too much!!!
Off to get my toning workout as I finish moving and putting my classroom back in order. I have SO much cleaning and organizing to do at school and home so I better get to work - after a cool shower of course.



I am totally worthless today. I have 6 chapters to read today for grad school, a paper to write, and several posts to make. I have a week's worth of laundry to do and tons of cleaning. However I have not accomplished any of that since coming home from walking this morning. After doing my banking online I fell asleep for almost 3 hours. I just woke up starving so I am eating something then taking a much needed shower. I foresee a long night ahead of me to get all this grad work accomplished but oh was that 3 hour nap worth it!

holy blister batman!

So I chickened out and walked the 7 miles today. When I woke up the last thing I wanted to do was get out of bed, let alone run. My stomach was iffy from the lovely food I've been eating, including pizza last night and I was SORE. I figured walking 7 miles was better than nothing. Walking was great - although my hands got totally swollen - such a weird feeling- and I got a blister! Normally blisters wouldn't be a huge deal and this was isn't really either but it's between two of my toes. I fussed with it of course and although I want it to air out I put a band aid on it. Just sitting here it rubs and hurts so band aids and I will be buds for a little while. I'm hoping to run the 7 miles tomorrow with Nicole. I also need to get myself back on track with eating right! I cannot wait to be back in a normal routine with eating and working out. Summer here I come!! 7 miles...more than half of a half marathon...WooHoo!



Tired is the word of the day! After being told less than 35 hours ago that I would be moving my classroom, I am officially moved down the hall. In that process of ending school and moving my whole room I've eaten like crap and haven't hydrated properly at all. The whole situation makes me a little nervous for my 7 mile run tomorrow. I can barely keep my eyes open now and it's only 5:30. I am totally sore from head to toe. Moving without a cart requires one to use many muscles! I hope that when I wake up in the morning I'm feeling great - energized & not sore - however I have a feeling that the run tomorrow might be a little tough! I've already decided in my head that I can always drop back a pace group if I need to for this week. We'll see. Schools over - haven't slept in yet - and my classroom is a mess. I'm hoping to finish it Monday with Nicole's help - maybe then it will feel like summer has really begun.


an hour ago...

An hour ago I was dressed to run and on my way out the door. I arrived back home 10 minutes ago! Who is this crazy person who inhabited my body this morning and caused me to get out of bed at 5:10? It only took 4 days to actually get myself out of bed early enough to run! This morning was a gorgeous 67 degrees. With my dying Ipod on I started with a 4 min. walk then ran for 11 min, 2 min walk, 9 min run, then decided to actually do my run walk ratio of 3:1 for a few cycles and finished with a 3 min walk. The Ipod lasted until the last minute of my final walk! The first thing I did as I came in the door was get a glass of water and a bottle of G2. Currently sipping those after stretching while cooling off. Normally at this time of the morning I've just woken up and eaten breakfast with Nicole - if I even am awake.
So today I've decided I'm not counting points - I stopped yesterday after I ate half a donut, a cookie, some appetizers at Chilis, and a Mint Mocha Chip Frappachino. (Oh yea and crab dip from the Pub)...It was the last day of kids...I had to celebrate. I am the same weight this morning as I was yesterday morning so running should help that not to catch up with me. Today is our staff party and our celebratory Shorebirds game tonight. In the grand scheme of life these 2 days off points won't kill me. I'm not even going to attempt to count - although I'll control what I can. Friday is back on points and being good - especially since I don't want to feel the effects of eating poorly while running 7 miles on Saturday!
Off to make spinach dip, shower, and grab breakfast - hm...do I get a bagel or just stick with cereal at home.???


heat wave

This recent heat wave has halted by maintenance runs. With temperatures in the low 100s when I arrive home from school I've decided to stay inside and not run. Why not go to the Y and run you ask? I've never before run on a treadmill and the thought of trying to figure out how to do so while adjusting it to my run walk ratio feels daunting. I thought about running Monday morning at 5:20 - my alarm went off - I turned it off. I thought about running Tuesday morning at 5:30 - my alarm went off - I sat up in bed - talked to my cat - layed back down and fell asleep. I am thinking about running tomorrow morning at 5:30. I shall set my alarm and hopefully make it out of bed. It might help if I lay out my running clothes tonight. I figure with tomorrow's 5am temps at 71 that will be my best shot at running this week. I can't go from last Saturday's 6 miler to this Saturday's 7 miler without running at all during the week. With the staff party and Shorebirds game Thursday night and Ellen's birthday Friday night (night of rest before the run) - tomorrow is my last chance. Positive thoughts for the 5:20 wake up and 5:30 run tomorrow OK?



So I ran a 10K today!!! Today I ran farther than I ever have before (are you noticing a pattern with that statement?). My pace group was one person smaller but we did just fine! Other than my hips being a little sore and it being ungodly humid I felt great. I woke up this morning to 73 degree temps at 5:45am with 100% humidity! It was so humid you could see it in the air. Yick! The 3:1 pace is great for me - most times the walk break comes just when I need it and other times I count down to it, later in the run of course. We stopped at both water stops, refilled, got wet towels and ice and kept on going. I ate my fruit punch sport beans as we approached mile 4 - they rock by the way - sweet and not hard to eat at all - although it did take me more than my 1 minute walk break to get them all in. I totally wanted to take more walk breaks in the last mile but I knew I could do it - it just would have been more enjoyable to keep walking rather than running. I pushed through that and ran. Seeing the 6 mile mark was awesome - we hit it 3 mins early according to our pace time but we kept running to finish the 6.2 to make it a 10K. I was tired & really sweaty when I was done but I really couldn't complain much about the run - I felt great - eating and drinking along the way kept my body in balance. Next week...7 miles. I still can't believe I'm doing this!


A beautiful day in the neighborhood

...but I feel fat. So, I'd love to know how one can eat on points and exercise consistently but yet feel fat and not lose weight. Ugh. I know I just need to be patient but come on! Anyway - I had a great run today - a little short but I have a lot of work to do tonight and was feeling a little overwhelmed. Nicole and I ran a 4:1 for 25 mins but at a faster pace than normal. It felt great! We are going to run again tomorrow and do a longer run, as long as I don't punk out after field day. The thought of the 6 mile run coming up on Saturday is a little daunting but I can do it.

For anyone interesting - Sunday from 2-4 at EES Dobson is a Women on the Run expo - I'll be selling my Stampin Up stuff and donating a portion of the proceeds to the Dobson runners. They'll be LOTS of other demonstrators - door prizes - 50/50 - and Chinese raffles etc - So come and support the Dobson Easton ROCKS runners!