

Let's recap and catch up.
This past Saturday 7/26 - 6 mile recovery run began at 6:20 - the weather was wonderful. It was warm but the humidity was low with a nice breeze. The six miles went by without pain or trouble. Our group finished in 1:18 - 3 minutes faster than pace time which was not viewed highly. The key this coming Saturday's 12 miles will be to take it SLOW. I am planning on running behind M since she paces herself perfectly! I am going to finish the 12 without walking the last few miles!!!
This week - Today was my first maintenance run of the week. With moving and a crazy schedule it's been hard to figure out time to run without putting it off. So N and I decided we would do 3 shorter maintenance runs in the AM before she leaves for work so that it does not hang over our heads to do in the evening. This morning we did a 28 min. run - it was super humid to the point of misting. We had a good run though, worked out some of the stiffness in the first few run cycles.
What's next:
Tonight - Moving more boxes to the new place - hang curtains - move boxes to the shed out back - possibly put the finishing touches on the fish stand we painted on Saturday.
Wednesday - Run in the AM - grad work - packing - moving boxes when N gets home.
Thursday - Run in the AM - go to new place to set up Internet and hopefully finish grad work for the semester- back home to pack and move more stuff including TV!
Friday - Go to new place EARLY and wait for Direct TV to show up - unpack boxes while waiting - Home to move final things - relax and get ready to run in the am.
Saturday - Up way too early - run 12 miles - get bagels and shower - pick up rental truck at 12 - pack it at 1230 - run to get pizza while people unload - eat pizza - organize apt and unpack. Clean old apt and return truck. RELAX!!!
Sunday - Unpack and clean old apt if necessary - RELAX before Nicole's fundraising party at Clay Bakers from 6-9 - COME PAINT PEOPLE!

I am looking forward to Monday when I am done with classes for the summer, done with packing and can relax in the new place and make it more like home!


Cross Training?

Yesterday N and I went on a great maintenance run - 35 mins - felt great! My feet are still a little sore from the healing blisters but all is well. My cross training activities this week have involved packing and moving boxes. All the stairs had to have done something for my legs right? Looking forward to our 6 mile run this Saturday and then spending a few hours unpacking and decorating the new place before heading out to go shopping. :)



I woke up this morning and did not feel like an 85 year old! :) The soreness is mostly gone and the blisters are healing well. N wanted to sleep in this morning so instead of running I finished my book, since I couldn't sleep. One more day to get blisters to heal will help and we'll run Wed and Thurs mornings. I can't believe how bad I felt after the 11 miles, I can't imagine how I'll feel after I add on some more.
On an exciting note: Nicole, Tracey and I are registering for the Marine Corp 10K. It's on October 26th and starts just after the Marine Corp Marathon. We'll even be able to jump into the Marathon course and finish with your marathon training buddies. We can't cross their finish line but we can help them along. I'm SO excited. So once this 1/2 marathon is over I'll continue to do some longer runs (4-8 miles) to keep in shape for the 10K. I'm just excited to cheer on the full marathoner and be able to get close enough to run with them at the end. :)

For everyone who lives around Easton - Nicole is hosting a fundraising night at Clay Bakers. They will be donating 20% of all sales to Nicole's Rocks fund. August 3rd from 6-9, come paint and help raise money for ROCKS. If you want to reserve a spot to paint just call or email Nicole the time you'll be there. You don't have to reserve but then seating will be first come first serve. Let's pack the house!!!



Ok...if you can't handle a whiny post stop reading now!
Saturday was the 11 mile run. I did it all to myself, it's all my fault! Having done no, I repeat no, maintenance runs in the past 2 weeks I deserved every ounce of pain and suffering I felt Saturday. The 11 miles was tough. Since the full marathoners had to do 14 - we met them at mile 3 and started our trek around 7am and it was HOT and HUMID! Right off the bat J and I took the lead and began to run in front of M and T- bad idea. We sped up which felt fine at the time but did not end up well. Around our mile 3 we realized we were going about 30 seconds faster than pace and were advised to slow down. We followed directions but on the trip to the next water stop I began to get goosebumps. I remembered that was not a good sign and asked Amy at the stop what that meant. While she said as long as I was sweating it was fine, she advised me to take a salt packet. That was as pleasant as doing a shot - yuck! I knew I needed to eat but had no desire. I forced myself to eat my sport beans when all I wanted to do was drink. I was keeping well hydrated and had diluted gatorade in my bottle but if I drank all I wanted I could feel the water sloshing in my stomach when I ran (not fun). We kept pushing through, taking it slow while I could feel blisters forming on the bottom of my feet. Around mile 8 with the goosebumps coming and going I decided to walk the remaining 3 miles. It was such a mental battle - I knew I wanted to finish strong but felt aweful - I was so thirsty, no wanting to eat but needing to, legs and feet hurting etc. I figured I'd at least still finish the 11 miles and just walk the remaining. I walked quickly and after a mile my body started to feel better. I had finally drank enough fluid but the aches and pains had fully set in. I kept up my quick speed walking and met up with another running group and finished with them. Regardless I finished 11 miles mostly running, some walking.
But...I STILL feel it. My body feels like a mac truck ran over me. I have 3 HUGE blisters on each foot and every muscle is sore - including my shoulders since N and I painted the Living room and kitchen of the new place yesterday. I walk like I am eighty and am taking tylenol religously. I've learned that maintenance runs are key (duh) and that a full marathon is NOT in my future!


in denial

I believe that I am currently in a state of denial about running 11 miles on Saturday morning. After the 5 mile recovery run on Saturday I've done nothing - no running - no crosstraining. I am going running tomorrow morning with Nicole but other than that I'm fairly unprepared for this weekend's 11 miler. Not much I can do about my lack of activity in the days past but to promise to be better next week. 11 miles here I come - be nice to me!


Only 5 miles

Today I ran a recovery run of 5 miles. Only 5 miles - never thought I'd hear myself say that. I didn't do any maintenance runs this week since I was away but figured it wouldn't kill me since it was only 5 miles. Ha :) I love saying that. The run was fine - HUMID and I was a bit tight since I hadn't run in a week but I finished just fine - only 30 seconds over pace time. I kept with my new group 3:1 ratio and a 13:30 mile. It's certainly not breaking any records but it'll get me to finish the 1/2 marathon without dying.
After the run several of us went for our weekly Bagel Bakery run and then Tracy, Jen and I decided get pedicures. It was such a nice treat even though I stank a bit after sweating so much. Next week is 11 miles - woah! I know I need to get good runs in this week and maybe a trip or two to the Y for some cross training. Slow and steady finishes (but does not win) the race. That'll be me in a few more weeks!


10 mile high

So...do I dare say that the 10 miler was enjoyable? Ok...I will...it was fun! After the pain and bad attitude of last week I was hesitant to run this morning. Waking up at 5:10 to 69 degrees and 100% humidity was not the best. I was tired but knew I had to do this. I had decided, per advice from Coaches Lea Ann and Amy, to drop back a pace group - take it slower and see how things went. Bonus of dropping back a group was being able to run with my buddy Marian. Funny fact - my whole pace group ended up with different pace groups this week - G went up to a 4:1 and 12:30 pace, S dropped to a 3:2 and 14:00 pace. I dropped to a 13:30 pace but kept the same run ratio of 3:1. We picked up Tracy around mile 3 and were just happy as can be. We ran on pace, with a few water stops we finished only 3 mins past pace time at 2 hours and 18 mins. The first 7 miles were a piece of cake - no huffing or puffing, no hip pain. We just ran and talked and time passed so quickly. A bit of pain set in around mile 8 - I stretched a bit with not much relief. We just kept chugging along and talking. Bonus treat of sweedish fish and skittles at the water stops. Around mile 8/9 it started to hit that I had been running for 2 hours. My hip was bugging me a bit, I was getting a little more out of breath and started to check my watch to see when walk breaks were coming. This was the first week where I was not checking my watch from mile 1. The miles came and went so quickly, walk breaks spaced well - I never felt the need to count down until the end. By the last mile, transitioning from walk to run was tough as my legs just didn't want to go anymore. No numbness, no major pain - just fatigue. We finished strong after a few last sweedish fish! I felt GREAT! It was a totally different experience from past weeks. It's amazing what a few extra minutes to run slow will do.

On a side note: I recently read about Secret Anti Perspirant - Clinical Strength Sport in Self magazine. I bought it even though it cost $9!!! It said it blocked wetness and was made specifically for athletes. After reading the directions I was skeptical because it said to apply the night before. So...you want me to put on deodorant the night before I run and not reapply in the morning? Sounded sketchy to me but I did it. Surprisingly enough it worked...well...really well! I am definitely going to use it on run days. I was not quite as stinky as I normally am after a run, and on a 100% humidity day that's pretty impressive.

Another note: Wright Socks - Anti Blister - not so much! I have a huge blister on my big toe - it started to develop last Saturday - went away and came back in full force today. I'm not writing off the company but I blistered in my anti blister sock...hm.

Overall - GREAT day - totally encouraged to keep going. Next week is only a 5 miler...woohoo!!! I can't believe I only have to run 3 more miles than what I did today on race day. That's so crazy.


good music - takin it slow

Ok...so my bad attitude has turned around a bit. I forced myself to get up this morning even though my bed was comfy and Good Morning America was on. I took my Ipod with newly downloaded songs as well as a bottle of water and off I went.
It felt great. I had some great music, the weather was sunny but breezy and I took it easy. The web site said I ran a 12 1/2 min mile which is still 30 seconds faster than pace time, but it felt so much slower than what I've been doing lately - which explains my frustration with running. If running at this pace feels this good I can continue just fine. I did ask Amy if I should drop back a group to slow down - with 10 miles looming this Saturday. At least my mood about running has improved and with 10 miles coming up I'm going to need a positive attitude!


I'm done with running

Well, not really but the novelty of it has worn off. I went on a maintenance run this afternoon - 3:1 pace for 36 mins - faster pace than normal - and I did not enjoy myself. Nothing hurt, although I was huffin and puffin, sweatin and super thirsty (note to self - take water bottle on run when it is over 80 degrees.) And to be perfectly honest I don't feel like running anymore. I only ran for 36 minutes - Saturday's run will be slightly less than 4 times that. YUCK! I don't know - maybe I should drop back a pace group and do it a little slower - or maybe I should just suck it up and do it without complaining. Regardless I am feeling less than motivated to run, but go figure I am motivated to eat well and exercise. Ha. I've already dropped 4 of the pounds gained during fried food and sweet tea extravaganza. I am enjoying eating healthy and going to the Y. I guess I am just in some need of running motivation. This is where it's getting hard for me - mentally and physically.