
Off to the mountains

So tonight I head to PA and tomorrow morning off to New Hampshire for my family reunion. Saturday's run back in Easton is 14 miles. While I have a goal of getting the 14 miles in I am also prepared to not be able to accomplish that in the mountain lakes region of NH. I think as of right now my goal is to run 4 miles tomorrow morning before we leave for NH, run 4 miles Thurs. night once we get settled and another 4 miles Friday morning before the activities get started. That would end up being 12 miles in 24 hours. I should be able to handle that no problem - 4 miles at a time is not a big deal and with hills 4 miles should be doable. It will make me feel better to get in a longer run but not be so overwhelmed by having to take several hours to do 14 miles Saturday morning before our family hike. Coach said I'll be fine even if I don't get it in but I'll feel better if I do! Wish me luck - I'll be back Monday afternoon and it's back to work Tuesday. Oy!

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