I did it and in good time too - 1:16 - 12 minutes less than my 1/2 marathon 10K split. :) Since I had only run about 4 times from half marathon day until race day I considered that time awesome! I was not so excited about the 3:15 am alarm clock time on Sunday morning but the 4 1/2 hours of sleep did me well. Nicole and I woke up - showered - made coffee - packed bagels and left to meet the crew at TBC. We left Easton around 4:15 and headed to Crystal City- from there we took a Marine Corps Marathon shuttle to the starting line. After meeting with the full marathoners and sending them off Jenn, Julie, Nicole, Tracy, Taylor and I headed to our starting line. I was not excited to run and assumed I'd give up and just walk it - no such luck. After I started running and felt good I decided I'd run to try to beat my time from the 1/2 marathon 10K split. I ran about 4 miles of the marathon course during the 10K - thoroughly enjoyed the Marine eye candy along the route. The hill at the end was a killer - it was killer whether you've trained on hills or not but when you are from the FLAT eastern shore any incline is tough. I ran almost the whole final hill (walked a bit of it because my calves were cramping) and sprinted to the finish line where I quickly caught up with Tracy and Nicole who had only finished 58 seconds before me! Got medaled by a good lookin Marine - got pictures taken and headed off to find a bathroom and food. Great Times! We walked around the finish festival and headed back to the charity village to our tent to wait for our first marathoner to return - which never happened. After a while we walked down to the finish line and headed to mile marker 24.5 to cheer on the ROCKS runners. Got to see almost all the marathoners pass by and we ran to the finish line with Marian and Lea Ann. It was so great to be a supporter and see the amazing marathoner runners. I have NO desire to run 26.2 miles but am in true amazement of those that do. It was also way cool to walk and run on 395 around DC - sit and cheer people on running past the Pentagon and Arlington Cemetary. How Cool?!?! FUN FUN! So...no more races in the near future although I need to keep running when the weather permits - 2009 is the year for the VA Beach 1/2 followed by the Philly 1/2!
So I have not run since August 31st (race day). Many friends have been keeping up with their running and yet I have been a slacker. I have to get back in the game this week if I am going to reach my goal of running the 10K without a run/walk ratio in October. 6 miles feels like nothing in comparison to what I've trained for but without keeping up with running 6 miles will kick my hiney.
my "sprint"
Apparently Taylor and I were doing under a 10 minute mile during the last 5 blocks of the race. LeaAnn told me that yesterday at the bagel bakery (she was tracking on her gps). So...my spint is around a 10 minute mile. haha
the rest of the story...
The alarm went off at 4:30 to which I promptly hit the snooze button (if you can call it that on a cell phone). I laid there attempting to wake up, deciding if I was excited or nervous - whether I would be spending the morning in the bathroom and not able to eat or whether I was ready to run. Turns out I was ready to run. I had worried about being sick the morning of the race. When I get nervous - even if my mind is unaware of being nervous - by body sends me to the bathroom. Typically this happens on the first day of school etc. It even happened to me on almost all of our longer runs this summer. However on race morning - my body was ready and I became the encourager in the room. Surprisingly enough Nicole was nervous and I was the peptalker! My only goal was to be mentally ready and be able to go to the bathroom (*wink wink*) before the race began. I did NOT want to have to stop along the way.
Around 5:25 several of us runners met in the hallway and went downstairs to gather together before walking to the shuttle. As we got on the shuttle we saw our coaches and other runners on their way too. A few minutes later we arrived at the convention center and waited to meet the rest of our group. There was a steady crowd of people heading to the starting line. That was one aspect that just amazed me. They just kept coming and coming and coming. I arrived at the convention center around 5:45 and I don't think the steady stream of runners started to filter down until after 6:45. As people arrived we shared excited and nervous hugs, took prerace pictures and finally got last minute encouragement and instructions from our coaches. The whole time I'm trying not to tear up. It was such an emotional moment. Having spent the last 4 months working towards this seemingly unattainable goal and realizing that the day I've(we've) been working for is finally here. It was go time...after a group picture and a LONG porta potty line in which I got my morning wish and a 42 minute wait from the first wave start to my wave start. We all moved to the starting line like a herd of cattle. By the time I got to the line I already had to pee...I truly ignored this feeling for as long as I could. We started off around 7:42 and by 7:45 Taylor and I were walking. We made our coaches proud and followed the rules to stick to our run/walk ratio from mile 1. Fortunately many others were doing the same. I took it easy and Taylor and I watched our mile time to try to stay as consistent as possible to what we've been training at. My concern was that my last long run that I completed was the 10 miler. I knew I had 3 miles more than that to complete that morning and I did not want to push myself early and not be able to finish strong. Slow and Steady finishes the race (they may not win but they WILL cross the finish line).
Mile 1 & 2 - Felt great - took it easy and cheered on the elite runners who were rounding mile 11. Hit the first few bands - great music - loud fans albeit no one I knew. I did see an awesome sign - One said "better you than me" the other next to it read "you run and I'll drink" as she held her travel coffee mug to her mouth. I couldn't get over how many people we were running around and was waiting for the mile when this would begin to clear up (that mile never came).
Mile 3 - Finished a 5K feeling awesome. This was where we found Amy W. our "fill in" coach for part of the race. She informed me that Nicole and Tracey were up ahead but waiting in a bathroom line. It was crazy crowded and we waved as we passed Nicole and Tracey in line - apparently LOTS of runners had to go at mile 3. This was the only bathroom spot that had a line longer than 1 or 2 people. Eventually they caught up and we snapped a few pictures while running. It was at this point that everyone else from our group - minus the walkers and one other running group- passed us. These were all groups that had per mile times longer than ours. Taylor and I decided to stick to what was working - stay at or slightly over our normal pace to make sure we made to it to the finish line. She probably could have gone faster being she is only 17 but I appreciated her willingness to stick with me for the long haul.
Miles 4-7 Bands continued to be pretty good. Body still feeling great. It was during these miles I had to keep commenting, quietly of course, how prepared we were. By this point people that started off running were now run/walking or just walking. We passed people who were huffing and puffing, people who were sprinting for 30 seconds only to walk for the next 5 mins, people wearing NEW sneakers, people without water belts - people who did not have awesome coaches who prepared them to face what this day would throw at us. It was also somewhere between mile 7 and 8 that I made my poor running buddy wait for me to go to the bathroom. It wasn't an emergency but I knew I had to go and assumed it would easier at this point to go rather than waiting until I was uncomfortable or wouldn't want to get back up from a sitting position later in the race. While there was no line apparent, I did wait for 5 mins. Grrr. We were finally coming out of camp pendleton with some eh bands where the mental battle started in.
Mile 8&9 - It was during these miles that all I longed for was to see a double digit mile. I kept reminding myself that I had run 8 miles many times and it was no big deal. My back was starting to get sore, my body tired. I had already taken salt and eaten several packs of sport beans. My stomach started to feel a little iffy and all I wanted was to be done but knew I had a ways to go. I think I also knew that coming up on 10 miles was the longest I had run. The final 3 miles were new territory and would be a long mental more than physical battle to the finish line. And of course...right when I needed her most Coach Amy comes running towards me with her arms in the air. We ran for about a mile together and it certainly helped. Encouraging words, a fresh face - a change of conversation with an update on other runners. I didn't want her to leave but I knew it was now time to focus on the finish line - running smart - not giving in to my head saying that I was too tired to run and should walk. She left saying that all we had left was a maintenance run. Around this time I realized that we were not finishing in under 3 hours. I wanted that and assumed it would happen. Secretly disappointed but knowing that crossing the finish line was the more important goal I ignored the overall time on my watch and kept running.
Miles 10-12 - Tough physically - tough mentally. I decided that I was going to maintain my run/walk even if I was tired. I did NOT want to say that I finished but walked the last few miles. That was how I finished the 11 miler and I was disappointed in myself. I was NOT going to disappoint myself now - this was the time to push through. We passed a few familiar faces cheering us on but many of our runners families had already gone to the finish line to congratulate their runners. We kept plugging along ,passed our last water stop, passed other runners and kept watching for the 12 mile sign and the turn onto the boardwalk. The 12 mile sign finally came and shortly after we rounded the corner onto the boardwalk.
The FINAL mile - I don't remember seeing the ocean or sand, even though I know we ran for quite some distance on the boardwalk. I decided to take an extra walk break just so that I could finish strong . With 5 blocks left until the finish line we saw coach Lea Ann and she got us going to the finish. Everything hurt and I was ready to be done. I kept one tshirt I saw along the way in mind - pain is temporary, pride is forever. So with that in mind I sprinted (in my mind at least) to the finish with my calves cramping the whole was across the final line. In 3 hours 9 minutes and 46 seconds I completed my first (and not last) half marathon.
It took all I had in me to keep walking through the secure area to get my medal, iced towel, water, goodie bag, banana, and ice pop. I just wanted to sit and take my sneakers off. Taylor and I got a finish line photo together with the beach in the background and soon after saw Nicole walking toward us. She helped us navigate our way through the crowds to get Tylenol (after a brief survey of course) and to our charity tent on the beach. I remember being tired and just wanting to see Amy and Lea Ann. I spent most of the time quietly sitting by myself just resting and thinking and texting everyone I knew that I had indeed finished. It was great.
My Body - 2 small blisters underneath a callus - some leg and back soreness that was gone by Tuesday night. This run was easier on my body than others - and contrary to what some people say - I did run hard - eventhough I was less sore than other runners. I just ran smart! hehe
Something I found funny - so many people commented on the humidity - how hard it was to run through that. I honestly did not notice the humidity at all. I've run in much worse. Maybe I didn't notice because I was so focused/excited/prepared - who knows. Either way I'm glad I felt the weather was great for a run - even if others found it tough. G0 figure!
I still cannot believe I finished. I can't believe I set out to do something so unlike myself. I am a runner (I may not look like one but I am darn it!) Next time I'll come in under 3 hours. I've said so many times that I would have NEVER agreed to do this if it weren't for Amy. She has been such (she is such) an encouraging person and is one of the only reasons I stuck with this. I didn't want to let her down and in the end I didn't let myself down either. This not only helped me get in better shape - even though I gained weight (my own fault) - but reconnect with old friends and develop new friendships. I've found an athletic event I can be good at and improve on. I am living proof that ANYONE can do this - even someone still many pounds overweight and someone who started VERY out of shape. I still find myself thinking about the race from time to time when I'm doing other things. There is no way to truly say thank you the way I want to to Amy and Lea Ann and have yet to begin to try to show my appreciation. I just cannot put into words yet what their dedication and encouragement has meant. I keep forgetting that throughout this I also raised over $1,200 for Easton ROCKS. I gained so much out of this process that I forget I helped my kids too. :)
Apparently I miss getting up at 5am on a Saturday so much that tomorrow - during the pouring rain - I'll be doing water stops for our full marathoners who are running their 20 miler training run in the morning. I did enjoy eating what I wanted to tonight though - no more pasta w/ meat sauce - I went out to eat! Woohoo! I said all along that I would not do a stop the first Saturday after our race because I was going to sleep in but when do I actually stick to my original thoughts - If I had I would have been cheering on other runners instead of being cheered on while running.
Around 5:25 several of us runners met in the hallway and went downstairs to gather together before walking to the shuttle. As we got on the shuttle we saw our coaches and other runners on their way too. A few minutes later we arrived at the convention center and waited to meet the rest of our group. There was a steady crowd of people heading to the starting line. That was one aspect that just amazed me. They just kept coming and coming and coming. I arrived at the convention center around 5:45 and I don't think the steady stream of runners started to filter down until after 6:45. As people arrived we shared excited and nervous hugs, took prerace pictures and finally got last minute encouragement and instructions from our coaches. The whole time I'm trying not to tear up. It was such an emotional moment. Having spent the last 4 months working towards this seemingly unattainable goal and realizing that the day I've(we've) been working for is finally here. It was go time...after a group picture and a LONG porta potty line in which I got my morning wish and a 42 minute wait from the first wave start to my wave start. We all moved to the starting line like a herd of cattle. By the time I got to the line I already had to pee...I truly ignored this feeling for as long as I could. We started off around 7:42 and by 7:45 Taylor and I were walking. We made our coaches proud and followed the rules to stick to our run/walk ratio from mile 1. Fortunately many others were doing the same. I took it easy and Taylor and I watched our mile time to try to stay as consistent as possible to what we've been training at. My concern was that my last long run that I completed was the 10 miler. I knew I had 3 miles more than that to complete that morning and I did not want to push myself early and not be able to finish strong. Slow and Steady finishes the race (they may not win but they WILL cross the finish line).
Mile 1 & 2 - Felt great - took it easy and cheered on the elite runners who were rounding mile 11. Hit the first few bands - great music - loud fans albeit no one I knew. I did see an awesome sign - One said "better you than me" the other next to it read "you run and I'll drink" as she held her travel coffee mug to her mouth. I couldn't get over how many people we were running around and was waiting for the mile when this would begin to clear up (that mile never came).
Mile 3 - Finished a 5K feeling awesome. This was where we found Amy W. our "fill in" coach for part of the race. She informed me that Nicole and Tracey were up ahead but waiting in a bathroom line. It was crazy crowded and we waved as we passed Nicole and Tracey in line - apparently LOTS of runners had to go at mile 3. This was the only bathroom spot that had a line longer than 1 or 2 people. Eventually they caught up and we snapped a few pictures while running. It was at this point that everyone else from our group - minus the walkers and one other running group- passed us. These were all groups that had per mile times longer than ours. Taylor and I decided to stick to what was working - stay at or slightly over our normal pace to make sure we made to it to the finish line. She probably could have gone faster being she is only 17 but I appreciated her willingness to stick with me for the long haul.
Miles 4-7 Bands continued to be pretty good. Body still feeling great. It was during these miles I had to keep commenting, quietly of course, how prepared we were. By this point people that started off running were now run/walking or just walking. We passed people who were huffing and puffing, people who were sprinting for 30 seconds only to walk for the next 5 mins, people wearing NEW sneakers, people without water belts - people who did not have awesome coaches who prepared them to face what this day would throw at us. It was also somewhere between mile 7 and 8 that I made my poor running buddy wait for me to go to the bathroom. It wasn't an emergency but I knew I had to go and assumed it would easier at this point to go rather than waiting until I was uncomfortable or wouldn't want to get back up from a sitting position later in the race. While there was no line apparent, I did wait for 5 mins. Grrr. We were finally coming out of camp pendleton with some eh bands where the mental battle started in.
Mile 8&9 - It was during these miles that all I longed for was to see a double digit mile. I kept reminding myself that I had run 8 miles many times and it was no big deal. My back was starting to get sore, my body tired. I had already taken salt and eaten several packs of sport beans. My stomach started to feel a little iffy and all I wanted was to be done but knew I had a ways to go. I think I also knew that coming up on 10 miles was the longest I had run. The final 3 miles were new territory and would be a long mental more than physical battle to the finish line. And of course...right when I needed her most Coach Amy comes running towards me with her arms in the air. We ran for about a mile together and it certainly helped. Encouraging words, a fresh face - a change of conversation with an update on other runners. I didn't want her to leave but I knew it was now time to focus on the finish line - running smart - not giving in to my head saying that I was too tired to run and should walk. She left saying that all we had left was a maintenance run. Around this time I realized that we were not finishing in under 3 hours. I wanted that and assumed it would happen. Secretly disappointed but knowing that crossing the finish line was the more important goal I ignored the overall time on my watch and kept running.
Miles 10-12 - Tough physically - tough mentally. I decided that I was going to maintain my run/walk even if I was tired. I did NOT want to say that I finished but walked the last few miles. That was how I finished the 11 miler and I was disappointed in myself. I was NOT going to disappoint myself now - this was the time to push through. We passed a few familiar faces cheering us on but many of our runners families had already gone to the finish line to congratulate their runners. We kept plugging along ,passed our last water stop, passed other runners and kept watching for the 12 mile sign and the turn onto the boardwalk. The 12 mile sign finally came and shortly after we rounded the corner onto the boardwalk.
The FINAL mile - I don't remember seeing the ocean or sand, even though I know we ran for quite some distance on the boardwalk. I decided to take an extra walk break just so that I could finish strong . With 5 blocks left until the finish line we saw coach Lea Ann and she got us going to the finish. Everything hurt and I was ready to be done. I kept one tshirt I saw along the way in mind - pain is temporary, pride is forever. So with that in mind I sprinted (in my mind at least) to the finish with my calves cramping the whole was across the final line. In 3 hours 9 minutes and 46 seconds I completed my first (and not last) half marathon.
It took all I had in me to keep walking through the secure area to get my medal, iced towel, water, goodie bag, banana, and ice pop. I just wanted to sit and take my sneakers off. Taylor and I got a finish line photo together with the beach in the background and soon after saw Nicole walking toward us. She helped us navigate our way through the crowds to get Tylenol (after a brief survey of course) and to our charity tent on the beach. I remember being tired and just wanting to see Amy and Lea Ann. I spent most of the time quietly sitting by myself just resting and thinking and texting everyone I knew that I had indeed finished. It was great.
My Body - 2 small blisters underneath a callus - some leg and back soreness that was gone by Tuesday night. This run was easier on my body than others - and contrary to what some people say - I did run hard - eventhough I was less sore than other runners. I just ran smart! hehe
Something I found funny - so many people commented on the humidity - how hard it was to run through that. I honestly did not notice the humidity at all. I've run in much worse. Maybe I didn't notice because I was so focused/excited/prepared - who knows. Either way I'm glad I felt the weather was great for a run - even if others found it tough. G0 figure!
I still cannot believe I finished. I can't believe I set out to do something so unlike myself. I am a runner (I may not look like one but I am darn it!) Next time I'll come in under 3 hours. I've said so many times that I would have NEVER agreed to do this if it weren't for Amy. She has been such (she is such) an encouraging person and is one of the only reasons I stuck with this. I didn't want to let her down and in the end I didn't let myself down either. This not only helped me get in better shape - even though I gained weight (my own fault) - but reconnect with old friends and develop new friendships. I've found an athletic event I can be good at and improve on. I am living proof that ANYONE can do this - even someone still many pounds overweight and someone who started VERY out of shape. I still find myself thinking about the race from time to time when I'm doing other things. There is no way to truly say thank you the way I want to to Amy and Lea Ann and have yet to begin to try to show my appreciation. I just cannot put into words yet what their dedication and encouragement has meant. I keep forgetting that throughout this I also raised over $1,200 for Easton ROCKS. I gained so much out of this process that I forget I helped my kids too. :)
Apparently I miss getting up at 5am on a Saturday so much that tomorrow - during the pouring rain - I'll be doing water stops for our full marathoners who are running their 20 miler training run in the morning. I did enjoy eating what I wanted to tonight though - no more pasta w/ meat sauce - I went out to eat! Woohoo! I said all along that I would not do a stop the first Saturday after our race because I was going to sleep in but when do I actually stick to my original thoughts - If I had I would have been cheering on other runners instead of being cheered on while running.
Professional Pictures
Below is a link to the professional pictures from the race - not loving them. Also never realized I ran with my thumbs up...gotta break that habit.
Race weekend
School began last Monday. It took everything in me to get through the first week because the excitement of the coming weekend was so overwhelming. Fast forward to Friday - Nicole got out of work early and was waiting for me when I got home from running errands - Subway run for dinner, ATM for spending money. I finished packing quickly - we ate dinner and got on the road around 5:30. No traffic, smooth sailing to the hotel which was nicer than we thought it would be. Happens to be packed with runners so overall it was pretty quiet. It was also right across from the beach so we watched fireworks from our balcony that night and every night after that! It was a late night but I set the alarm for 7:00. We wanted to be up and moving early so we could be at the expo when it opened at 9. I slept so well but when the alarm went off I jolted out of bed, opened the blinds and went right onto the balcony to look at the beach in the sunlight. :) It was beautiful. Nicole and I decided to run out to the beach quick to get our feet in the sand and water before we got ready for the day. I headed out in my PJS. As we bummed around to the beach many runners were getting in a last minute run before 1/2 marathon day. I followed orders and did not run eventhough I wondered if I should just to loosen up my muscles. We decided to stick to eating well, resting and stretching several times that day. After a yummy breakfast at the lovely Days Inn, we took showers, dressed in Easton Marathon ROCKS wear and picked up Debbie for the expo.
At the expo we picked up our race packets, bibs, shoe trackers, tshirts and goodie bags. I also managed to spend gobs of money on an awesome finisher long sleeve shirt, t shirt, running jacket, pint glass and magnet. After visiting the vendors I also left with a 13.1 and running girl charm, some running stickers, a key chain, and a bag. I love onemoremilerunning.com We headed back to the hotel, went through our goodies and hit up subway yet again for lunch. It was a safe choice - food we knew! Took some time to walk into the beachy stores and spent the rest of the afternoon at the pool, reading and napping.
We headed in in time to get Donna for dinner at Macaroni Grill. Over 20 of us converged on the restaurant and were seated throughout the place to carb up for the following day. It was great to talk with new/old friends and spend some time with Amy and LeaAnn (eventhough they wouldn't seat her since we were over our reservation limit) before race day. I only ate half so I wouldn't be too full and did not order dessert so I did behave. After a quick visit back at Donna's hotel, Nicole and I went back to our place, did some last minute prep for race day - put out all our running gear, put names on our singlets and tried to wind down.
I did end up going to sleep around 10:30 and slept fairly well until the alarm went off at 4:30.
I'll leave it there for now - gotta go finish some thank you cards from our non housewarming party where people bought us gifts before its time to get in my pjs and relax before bed.
At the expo we picked up our race packets, bibs, shoe trackers, tshirts and goodie bags. I also managed to spend gobs of money on an awesome finisher long sleeve shirt, t shirt, running jacket, pint glass and magnet. After visiting the vendors I also left with a 13.1 and running girl charm, some running stickers, a key chain, and a bag. I love onemoremilerunning.com We headed back to the hotel, went through our goodies and hit up subway yet again for lunch. It was a safe choice - food we knew! Took some time to walk into the beachy stores and spent the rest of the afternoon at the pool, reading and napping.
We headed in in time to get Donna for dinner at Macaroni Grill. Over 20 of us converged on the restaurant and were seated throughout the place to carb up for the following day. It was great to talk with new/old friends and spend some time with Amy and LeaAnn (eventhough they wouldn't seat her since we were over our reservation limit) before race day. I only ate half so I wouldn't be too full and did not order dessert so I did behave. After a quick visit back at Donna's hotel, Nicole and I went back to our place, did some last minute prep for race day - put out all our running gear, put names on our singlets and tried to wind down.
I did end up going to sleep around 10:30 and slept fairly well until the alarm went off at 4:30.
I'll leave it there for now - gotta go finish some thank you cards from our non housewarming party where people bought us gifts before its time to get in my pjs and relax before bed.
More to come but...I finished the 1/2 marathon in 3 hours 9 minutes and 46 seconds! I am tired, smelly and can't wait to take a shower but I wanted you to know I did it. Thanks for all the help and encouragement along the way. Hopefully by the end of the week I'll have a race recap posted. :) SO HAPPY!
I am really bummed about missing Saturday's 14 miler. While most people would think - hey at least you didn't have to wake up early and run all those miles - I really wished I had. I did do 8 miles (again) - 4 at 5am before we left for New Hampshire and 4 again around 5pm after we arrived. These 2 runs were my first experience with hills. Since life on the eastern shore is F L A T, I don't know how to cope with hills much less mountains. The PA run was great - a little hilly but totally doable - other than the real darkness of 5am! The NH run - not so great. Started out well - some down and doable uphills. I ran until I started to get nervous that I wouldn't make it back up - which happened to be at the 22 minute mark. This made me nervous since I should finish 2 miles in 27 mins. I hoped I was not turning around too soon but as soon as I turned around and saw THE HILL I was glad I did. THE HILL was steep and it was VERY easy to run down. In fact I took very few walk breaks while going down because it was easier to run it. Going back up...not so easy. After attempting to run with my hip hurting crazy and my feet bothering me I decided to walk THE HILL and then go back to run/walk once I reached the top. THE HILL was almost one mile long (which was discovered about an hour later as we decended THE HILL in the car on the way to dinner). I huffed and puffed and stopped to stretch - mind you I am still walking...but I did reach the top. Several times I stopped looking up and looked at the ground so I couldn't see how far I had yet to go. I made it back to the top in 33 mins. When I returned my dad was just about ready to take the car and come find me...oh how wonderful that would have been when I was at the bottom of THE HILL. I stretched & took tylenol and learned of some new blisters (1 blood blister...ew). It was then that I decided 8 miles was going to be enough. I'm not sure if it was the fact that I could look down at a huge lake from the resort or that the resort's name was Steele HILL but I think I picked a bad spot to run! Who knew that I could have driven to the bottom and ran a fairly "flat" for New Hampshire course. Whoops! After driving to dinner - we clocked the run at 4.2 miles - very glad I did the right mileage without knowing it! Coach excused me from running more even though I offered to do a longer run on Monday when I return. I have to head to Hills to get inserts for my sneakers since that is what's causing the blisters! That alone makes me a little nervous - changing my show insides 2 weeks before the race but it's got to be better than how my feet feel after a run now.
Fast Forward to Saturday - I was awake before I would have been if I was at home. I wanted SO bad to be at the park running. Nicole and I texted a bit and I talked to get a few times. I was so proud of everyone but felt disappointed that I would not accomplish 14 miles and do our last long run together. It makes me somewhat nervous to run 13 miles for the first time on race day when the last long run was 10 miles a while ago (I walked the last 3 miles of our 11 miler and our 12 miler got thunderstormed out and never made it up). I've just loved this experience so much and to miss out on such an important day really bummed me out - even though I was hiking an amazing trail - Flume Gorge!!
The next few weeks - eating right, stretching daily (the only thing that's helped my hip), good consistent maintenence runs and a positive attitude! 13.1 miles here I come...
Fast Forward to Saturday - I was awake before I would have been if I was at home. I wanted SO bad to be at the park running. Nicole and I texted a bit and I talked to get a few times. I was so proud of everyone but felt disappointed that I would not accomplish 14 miles and do our last long run together. It makes me somewhat nervous to run 13 miles for the first time on race day when the last long run was 10 miles a while ago (I walked the last 3 miles of our 11 miler and our 12 miler got thunderstormed out and never made it up). I've just loved this experience so much and to miss out on such an important day really bummed me out - even though I was hiking an amazing trail - Flume Gorge!!
The next few weeks - eating right, stretching daily (the only thing that's helped my hip), good consistent maintenence runs and a positive attitude! 13.1 miles here I come...
Off to the mountains
So tonight I head to PA and tomorrow morning off to New Hampshire for my family reunion. Saturday's run back in Easton is 14 miles. While I have a goal of getting the 14 miles in I am also prepared to not be able to accomplish that in the mountain lakes region of NH. I think as of right now my goal is to run 4 miles tomorrow morning before we leave for NH, run 4 miles Thurs. night once we get settled and another 4 miles Friday morning before the activities get started. That would end up being 12 miles in 24 hours. I should be able to handle that no problem - 4 miles at a time is not a big deal and with hills 4 miles should be doable. It will make me feel better to get in a longer run but not be so overwhelmed by having to take several hours to do 14 miles Saturday morning before our family hike. Coach said I'll be fine even if I don't get it in but I'll feel better if I do! Wish me luck - I'll be back Monday afternoon and it's back to work Tuesday. Oy!
It's a beautiful mornin...ahh ahh ahhh....
And that is was - weather was PERFECT for a run this morning. When I arrived at the park it was 69 degrees with LOW hunidity. Lovin it...and as Ms. D sang at the 2nd water stop - "It's a beautiful mornin..." I decided to run 8 miles rather than 6 for my recovery run. Since it's been a while since I've run some long miles I decided I needed to do a longer run to boost my confidence. At the end of the 8 I felt good and actually said to my running buddies that I could do another 5 if I needed to. I just hope race day is as nice and that I am feeling as good!
I will miss the 14 miler next weekend and so I'll attempt that on my own. I am bummed that I'm going to miss out on our BIG run - it's the final big run before the 1/2 marathon and I'd love to celebrate it with everyone. This week my goal is some longer maintenance runs to help prepare.
I will miss the 14 miler next weekend and so I'll attempt that on my own. I am bummed that I'm going to miss out on our BIG run - it's the final big run before the 1/2 marathon and I'd love to celebrate it with everyone. This week my goal is some longer maintenance runs to help prepare.
Not only have I been a slacker with updating I've been a bit of a slacker runner. So let's rewind to this past Saturday's 1 mile run. 1 mile huh? Yea - I know it was suppose to be a 12 mile run but we only did 1. We all gathered at the park at 6 (full marathoners and a few 1/2 marathoners.) Halfers didn't have to show until 6:30 since we were suppose to let our full marathon buddies complete 4 miles before we joined them. Since N and I were moving that day we had permission to start earlier at 6 and stop at the 12 mile marker. Around 6:10 we watched the dark clouds roll in and saw flashes of lightening. My memory reminded me that Amy said we would run in rain but not un thunder storms yet here we were getting the talk about taking cover in the storm. The word was that it was a quick moving storm and we should be just fine. Amy gave us the out that if we didn't feel safe we could wait the storm out or bag the run. Waiting it out wasn't an option since I started early for a reason - we figured what's a little storm so we headed out. After running for about one minute we saw runners heading the wrong direction - to Susan's porch so we followed and took cover for about 10 minutes as the storm progressed. It seemed to slow and Lea Ann came by saying it had moved off the other direction and we would probably be ok to start. We did start and completed the first mile before a rain really began and the lightening got stronger. Just as we were about to turn the corner a truck with a few marathoners in it came by with the car keys and said the run has been canceled. We RAN to the cars - drenched in rain and not sweat! We sat for a bit as the storm got worse and decided we were going to the bagel bakery and wait for word on how we were going to complete the 12 miler. The bagel bakery wasn't set to open for another 45 minutes so we stood in the parking lot for a while since the rain had subsided. We got word that we could return and run 6 miles and do the rest on Sunday or we could do the 12 on our own. I was already out of the running mindset so we decided to bag the run and try to do it on our own later. Fast forward a bit - move went well and smooth. We have some awesome friends who moved so much in our truck and their cars. I am so thankful! Huge thanks to Mom and Dad Barth, my Dad, Lea Ann & Family, Brett & Tyler, Donna & Becky.
Sunday - no running - no phone or internet so we headed to the perk to get grad projects done (Now I am done until September!!!!!) Then we had a Clay Bakers fundraising party for Nicole - good turnout and she raised over $100!
Monday - N, T & I ran 4 miles - T had already run 6 that morning and we punked out on the last 2 and decided to go to Plaza and get margaritas instead. YUM!
Tuesday - NO running since N got back from work WAY late - we hung pictures and now half the living room is done! :)
Wednesday - no running but we finished the other apt spackling and digging up our plants to move them here. I had to wait in the house all day for verizon to show up to fix our phone line since we still don't have phone or internet. The window they could show up was from 8-7 - 8-7....are you kidding me? At 5 when they still hadn't showed Nicole called - they basically scheduled us for Friday and said I did not have to be here since the problem was outside...apparently the online scheduling isn't real? they never had any intentions of coming Wednesday eventhough I got confirmation of the appointment. I can't wait to write a nasty letter to verizon - so far I've been without phone for a week - no internet (although i did discover that someone around here has their internet unlocked so that's how I'm updating you now).
Today - Ran 4 miles this morning and will do another 4 this afternoon with Nicole. That will in essence be an eight mile run so that makes me feel a bit better about not ever getting in the 12. Tonight is more unpacking upstairs and finishing things downstairs.
Saturday is our 6 mile recovery run (not sure what I am recovering from since I didn't run the 12 but ok!) Then I have to run the 14 on my own since I'll be in NH for that run. Bummer.
Ok..off to shower and run errands. :)
Sunday - no running - no phone or internet so we headed to the perk to get grad projects done (Now I am done until September!!!!!) Then we had a Clay Bakers fundraising party for Nicole - good turnout and she raised over $100!
Monday - N, T & I ran 4 miles - T had already run 6 that morning and we punked out on the last 2 and decided to go to Plaza and get margaritas instead. YUM!
Tuesday - NO running since N got back from work WAY late - we hung pictures and now half the living room is done! :)
Wednesday - no running but we finished the other apt spackling and digging up our plants to move them here. I had to wait in the house all day for verizon to show up to fix our phone line since we still don't have phone or internet. The window they could show up was from 8-7 - 8-7....are you kidding me? At 5 when they still hadn't showed Nicole called - they basically scheduled us for Friday and said I did not have to be here since the problem was outside...apparently the online scheduling isn't real? they never had any intentions of coming Wednesday eventhough I got confirmation of the appointment. I can't wait to write a nasty letter to verizon - so far I've been without phone for a week - no internet (although i did discover that someone around here has their internet unlocked so that's how I'm updating you now).
Today - Ran 4 miles this morning and will do another 4 this afternoon with Nicole. That will in essence be an eight mile run so that makes me feel a bit better about not ever getting in the 12. Tonight is more unpacking upstairs and finishing things downstairs.
Saturday is our 6 mile recovery run (not sure what I am recovering from since I didn't run the 12 but ok!) Then I have to run the 14 on my own since I'll be in NH for that run. Bummer.
Ok..off to shower and run errands. :)
Let's recap and catch up.
This past Saturday 7/26 - 6 mile recovery run began at 6:20 - the weather was wonderful. It was warm but the humidity was low with a nice breeze. The six miles went by without pain or trouble. Our group finished in 1:18 - 3 minutes faster than pace time which was not viewed highly. The key this coming Saturday's 12 miles will be to take it SLOW. I am planning on running behind M since she paces herself perfectly! I am going to finish the 12 without walking the last few miles!!!
This week - Today was my first maintenance run of the week. With moving and a crazy schedule it's been hard to figure out time to run without putting it off. So N and I decided we would do 3 shorter maintenance runs in the AM before she leaves for work so that it does not hang over our heads to do in the evening. This morning we did a 28 min. run - it was super humid to the point of misting. We had a good run though, worked out some of the stiffness in the first few run cycles.
What's next:
Tonight - Moving more boxes to the new place - hang curtains - move boxes to the shed out back - possibly put the finishing touches on the fish stand we painted on Saturday.
Wednesday - Run in the AM - grad work - packing - moving boxes when N gets home.
Thursday - Run in the AM - go to new place to set up Internet and hopefully finish grad work for the semester- back home to pack and move more stuff including TV!
Friday - Go to new place EARLY and wait for Direct TV to show up - unpack boxes while waiting - Home to move final things - relax and get ready to run in the am.
Saturday - Up way too early - run 12 miles - get bagels and shower - pick up rental truck at 12 - pack it at 1230 - run to get pizza while people unload - eat pizza - organize apt and unpack. Clean old apt and return truck. RELAX!!!
Sunday - Unpack and clean old apt if necessary - RELAX before Nicole's fundraising party at Clay Bakers from 6-9 - COME PAINT PEOPLE!
I am looking forward to Monday when I am done with classes for the summer, done with packing and can relax in the new place and make it more like home!
This past Saturday 7/26 - 6 mile recovery run began at 6:20 - the weather was wonderful. It was warm but the humidity was low with a nice breeze. The six miles went by without pain or trouble. Our group finished in 1:18 - 3 minutes faster than pace time which was not viewed highly. The key this coming Saturday's 12 miles will be to take it SLOW. I am planning on running behind M since she paces herself perfectly! I am going to finish the 12 without walking the last few miles!!!
This week - Today was my first maintenance run of the week. With moving and a crazy schedule it's been hard to figure out time to run without putting it off. So N and I decided we would do 3 shorter maintenance runs in the AM before she leaves for work so that it does not hang over our heads to do in the evening. This morning we did a 28 min. run - it was super humid to the point of misting. We had a good run though, worked out some of the stiffness in the first few run cycles.
What's next:
Tonight - Moving more boxes to the new place - hang curtains - move boxes to the shed out back - possibly put the finishing touches on the fish stand we painted on Saturday.
Wednesday - Run in the AM - grad work - packing - moving boxes when N gets home.
Thursday - Run in the AM - go to new place to set up Internet and hopefully finish grad work for the semester- back home to pack and move more stuff including TV!
Friday - Go to new place EARLY and wait for Direct TV to show up - unpack boxes while waiting - Home to move final things - relax and get ready to run in the am.
Saturday - Up way too early - run 12 miles - get bagels and shower - pick up rental truck at 12 - pack it at 1230 - run to get pizza while people unload - eat pizza - organize apt and unpack. Clean old apt and return truck. RELAX!!!
Sunday - Unpack and clean old apt if necessary - RELAX before Nicole's fundraising party at Clay Bakers from 6-9 - COME PAINT PEOPLE!
I am looking forward to Monday when I am done with classes for the summer, done with packing and can relax in the new place and make it more like home!
Cross Training?
Yesterday N and I went on a great maintenance run - 35 mins - felt great! My feet are still a little sore from the healing blisters but all is well. My cross training activities this week have involved packing and moving boxes. All the stairs had to have done something for my legs right? Looking forward to our 6 mile run this Saturday and then spending a few hours unpacking and decorating the new place before heading out to go shopping. :)
I woke up this morning and did not feel like an 85 year old! :) The soreness is mostly gone and the blisters are healing well. N wanted to sleep in this morning so instead of running I finished my book, since I couldn't sleep. One more day to get blisters to heal will help and we'll run Wed and Thurs mornings. I can't believe how bad I felt after the 11 miles, I can't imagine how I'll feel after I add on some more.
On an exciting note: Nicole, Tracey and I are registering for the Marine Corp 10K. It's on October 26th and starts just after the Marine Corp Marathon. We'll even be able to jump into the Marathon course and finish with your marathon training buddies. We can't cross their finish line but we can help them along. I'm SO excited. So once this 1/2 marathon is over I'll continue to do some longer runs (4-8 miles) to keep in shape for the 10K. I'm just excited to cheer on the full marathoner and be able to get close enough to run with them at the end. :)
For everyone who lives around Easton - Nicole is hosting a fundraising night at Clay Bakers. They will be donating 20% of all sales to Nicole's Rocks fund. August 3rd from 6-9, come paint and help raise money for ROCKS. If you want to reserve a spot to paint just call or email Nicole the time you'll be there. You don't have to reserve but then seating will be first come first serve. Let's pack the house!!!
On an exciting note: Nicole, Tracey and I are registering for the Marine Corp 10K. It's on October 26th and starts just after the Marine Corp Marathon. We'll even be able to jump into the Marathon course and finish with your marathon training buddies. We can't cross their finish line but we can help them along. I'm SO excited. So once this 1/2 marathon is over I'll continue to do some longer runs (4-8 miles) to keep in shape for the 10K. I'm just excited to cheer on the full marathoner and be able to get close enough to run with them at the end. :)
For everyone who lives around Easton - Nicole is hosting a fundraising night at Clay Bakers. They will be donating 20% of all sales to Nicole's Rocks fund. August 3rd from 6-9, come paint and help raise money for ROCKS. If you want to reserve a spot to paint just call or email Nicole the time you'll be there. You don't have to reserve but then seating will be first come first serve. Let's pack the house!!!
aches and pains,
training runs
Ok...if you can't handle a whiny post stop reading now!
Saturday was the 11 mile run. I did it all to myself, it's all my fault! Having done no, I repeat no, maintenance runs in the past 2 weeks I deserved every ounce of pain and suffering I felt Saturday. The 11 miles was tough. Since the full marathoners had to do 14 - we met them at mile 3 and started our trek around 7am and it was HOT and HUMID! Right off the bat J and I took the lead and began to run in front of M and T- bad idea. We sped up which felt fine at the time but did not end up well. Around our mile 3 we realized we were going about 30 seconds faster than pace and were advised to slow down. We followed directions but on the trip to the next water stop I began to get goosebumps. I remembered that was not a good sign and asked Amy at the stop what that meant. While she said as long as I was sweating it was fine, she advised me to take a salt packet. That was as pleasant as doing a shot - yuck! I knew I needed to eat but had no desire. I forced myself to eat my sport beans when all I wanted to do was drink. I was keeping well hydrated and had diluted gatorade in my bottle but if I drank all I wanted I could feel the water sloshing in my stomach when I ran (not fun). We kept pushing through, taking it slow while I could feel blisters forming on the bottom of my feet. Around mile 8 with the goosebumps coming and going I decided to walk the remaining 3 miles. It was such a mental battle - I knew I wanted to finish strong but felt aweful - I was so thirsty, no wanting to eat but needing to, legs and feet hurting etc. I figured I'd at least still finish the 11 miles and just walk the remaining. I walked quickly and after a mile my body started to feel better. I had finally drank enough fluid but the aches and pains had fully set in. I kept up my quick speed walking and met up with another running group and finished with them. Regardless I finished 11 miles mostly running, some walking.
But...I STILL feel it. My body feels like a mac truck ran over me. I have 3 HUGE blisters on each foot and every muscle is sore - including my shoulders since N and I painted the Living room and kitchen of the new place yesterday. I walk like I am eighty and am taking tylenol religously. I've learned that maintenance runs are key (duh) and that a full marathon is NOT in my future!
Saturday was the 11 mile run. I did it all to myself, it's all my fault! Having done no, I repeat no, maintenance runs in the past 2 weeks I deserved every ounce of pain and suffering I felt Saturday. The 11 miles was tough. Since the full marathoners had to do 14 - we met them at mile 3 and started our trek around 7am and it was HOT and HUMID! Right off the bat J and I took the lead and began to run in front of M and T- bad idea. We sped up which felt fine at the time but did not end up well. Around our mile 3 we realized we were going about 30 seconds faster than pace and were advised to slow down. We followed directions but on the trip to the next water stop I began to get goosebumps. I remembered that was not a good sign and asked Amy at the stop what that meant. While she said as long as I was sweating it was fine, she advised me to take a salt packet. That was as pleasant as doing a shot - yuck! I knew I needed to eat but had no desire. I forced myself to eat my sport beans when all I wanted to do was drink. I was keeping well hydrated and had diluted gatorade in my bottle but if I drank all I wanted I could feel the water sloshing in my stomach when I ran (not fun). We kept pushing through, taking it slow while I could feel blisters forming on the bottom of my feet. Around mile 8 with the goosebumps coming and going I decided to walk the remaining 3 miles. It was such a mental battle - I knew I wanted to finish strong but felt aweful - I was so thirsty, no wanting to eat but needing to, legs and feet hurting etc. I figured I'd at least still finish the 11 miles and just walk the remaining. I walked quickly and after a mile my body started to feel better. I had finally drank enough fluid but the aches and pains had fully set in. I kept up my quick speed walking and met up with another running group and finished with them. Regardless I finished 11 miles mostly running, some walking.
But...I STILL feel it. My body feels like a mac truck ran over me. I have 3 HUGE blisters on each foot and every muscle is sore - including my shoulders since N and I painted the Living room and kitchen of the new place yesterday. I walk like I am eighty and am taking tylenol religously. I've learned that maintenance runs are key (duh) and that a full marathon is NOT in my future!
aches and pains,
training runs,
in denial
I believe that I am currently in a state of denial about running 11 miles on Saturday morning. After the 5 mile recovery run on Saturday I've done nothing - no running - no crosstraining. I am going running tomorrow morning with Nicole but other than that I'm fairly unprepared for this weekend's 11 miler. Not much I can do about my lack of activity in the days past but to promise to be better next week. 11 miles here I come - be nice to me!
Only 5 miles
Today I ran a recovery run of 5 miles. Only 5 miles - never thought I'd hear myself say that. I didn't do any maintenance runs this week since I was away but figured it wouldn't kill me since it was only 5 miles. Ha :) I love saying that. The run was fine - HUMID and I was a bit tight since I hadn't run in a week but I finished just fine - only 30 seconds over pace time. I kept with my new group 3:1 ratio and a 13:30 mile. It's certainly not breaking any records but it'll get me to finish the 1/2 marathon without dying.
After the run several of us went for our weekly Bagel Bakery run and then Tracy, Jen and I decided get pedicures. It was such a nice treat even though I stank a bit after sweating so much. Next week is 11 miles - woah! I know I need to get good runs in this week and maybe a trip or two to the Y for some cross training. Slow and steady finishes (but does not win) the race. That'll be me in a few more weeks!
After the run several of us went for our weekly Bagel Bakery run and then Tracy, Jen and I decided get pedicures. It was such a nice treat even though I stank a bit after sweating so much. Next week is 11 miles - woah! I know I need to get good runs in this week and maybe a trip or two to the Y for some cross training. Slow and steady finishes (but does not win) the race. That'll be me in a few more weeks!
10 mile high
So...do I dare say that the 10 miler was enjoyable? Ok...I will...it was fun! After the pain and bad attitude of last week I was hesitant to run this morning. Waking up at 5:10 to 69 degrees and 100% humidity was not the best. I was tired but knew I had to do this. I had decided, per advice from Coaches Lea Ann and Amy, to drop back a pace group - take it slower and see how things went. Bonus of dropping back a group was being able to run with my buddy Marian. Funny fact - my whole pace group ended up with different pace groups this week - G went up to a 4:1 and 12:30 pace, S dropped to a 3:2 and 14:00 pace. I dropped to a 13:30 pace but kept the same run ratio of 3:1. We picked up Tracy around mile 3 and were just happy as can be. We ran on pace, with a few water stops we finished only 3 mins past pace time at 2 hours and 18 mins. The first 7 miles were a piece of cake - no huffing or puffing, no hip pain. We just ran and talked and time passed so quickly. A bit of pain set in around mile 8 - I stretched a bit with not much relief. We just kept chugging along and talking. Bonus treat of sweedish fish and skittles at the water stops. Around mile 8/9 it started to hit that I had been running for 2 hours. My hip was bugging me a bit, I was getting a little more out of breath and started to check my watch to see when walk breaks were coming. This was the first week where I was not checking my watch from mile 1. The miles came and went so quickly, walk breaks spaced well - I never felt the need to count down until the end. By the last mile, transitioning from walk to run was tough as my legs just didn't want to go anymore. No numbness, no major pain - just fatigue. We finished strong after a few last sweedish fish! I felt GREAT! It was a totally different experience from past weeks. It's amazing what a few extra minutes to run slow will do.
On a side note: I recently read about Secret Anti Perspirant - Clinical Strength Sport in Self magazine. I bought it even though it cost $9!!! It said it blocked wetness and was made specifically for athletes. After reading the directions I was skeptical because it said to apply the night before. So...you want me to put on deodorant the night before I run and not reapply in the morning? Sounded sketchy to me but I did it. Surprisingly enough it worked...well...really well! I am definitely going to use it on run days. I was not quite as stinky as I normally am after a run, and on a 100% humidity day that's pretty impressive.
Another note: Wright Socks - Anti Blister - not so much! I have a huge blister on my big toe - it started to develop last Saturday - went away and came back in full force today. I'm not writing off the company but I blistered in my anti blister sock...hm.
Overall - GREAT day - totally encouraged to keep going. Next week is only a 5 miler...woohoo!!! I can't believe I only have to run 3 more miles than what I did today on race day. That's so crazy.
On a side note: I recently read about Secret Anti Perspirant - Clinical Strength Sport in Self magazine. I bought it even though it cost $9!!! It said it blocked wetness and was made specifically for athletes. After reading the directions I was skeptical because it said to apply the night before. So...you want me to put on deodorant the night before I run and not reapply in the morning? Sounded sketchy to me but I did it. Surprisingly enough it worked...well...really well! I am definitely going to use it on run days. I was not quite as stinky as I normally am after a run, and on a 100% humidity day that's pretty impressive.
Another note: Wright Socks - Anti Blister - not so much! I have a huge blister on my big toe - it started to develop last Saturday - went away and came back in full force today. I'm not writing off the company but I blistered in my anti blister sock...hm.
Overall - GREAT day - totally encouraged to keep going. Next week is only a 5 miler...woohoo!!! I can't believe I only have to run 3 more miles than what I did today on race day. That's so crazy.
good music - takin it slow
Ok...so my bad attitude has turned around a bit. I forced myself to get up this morning even though my bed was comfy and Good Morning America was on. I took my Ipod with newly downloaded songs as well as a bottle of water and off I went.
It felt great. I had some great music, the weather was sunny but breezy and I took it easy. The web site said I ran a 12 1/2 min mile which is still 30 seconds faster than pace time, but it felt so much slower than what I've been doing lately - which explains my frustration with running. If running at this pace feels this good I can continue just fine. I did ask Amy if I should drop back a group to slow down - with 10 miles looming this Saturday. At least my mood about running has improved and with 10 miles coming up I'm going to need a positive attitude!
It felt great. I had some great music, the weather was sunny but breezy and I took it easy. The web site said I ran a 12 1/2 min mile which is still 30 seconds faster than pace time, but it felt so much slower than what I've been doing lately - which explains my frustration with running. If running at this pace feels this good I can continue just fine. I did ask Amy if I should drop back a group to slow down - with 10 miles looming this Saturday. At least my mood about running has improved and with 10 miles coming up I'm going to need a positive attitude!
I'm done with running
Well, not really but the novelty of it has worn off. I went on a maintenance run this afternoon - 3:1 pace for 36 mins - faster pace than normal - and I did not enjoy myself. Nothing hurt, although I was huffin and puffin, sweatin and super thirsty (note to self - take water bottle on run when it is over 80 degrees.) And to be perfectly honest I don't feel like running anymore. I only ran for 36 minutes - Saturday's run will be slightly less than 4 times that. YUCK! I don't know - maybe I should drop back a pace group and do it a little slower - or maybe I should just suck it up and do it without complaining. Regardless I am feeling less than motivated to run, but go figure I am motivated to eat well and exercise. Ha. I've already dropped 4 of the pounds gained during fried food and sweet tea extravaganza. I am enjoying eating healthy and going to the Y. I guess I am just in some need of running motivation. This is where it's getting hard for me - mentally and physically.
Wasting Money
So my theme for today was stop wasting money. I pay $38 a month to be a member of the YMCA. Several months ago (maybe February) I stopped going to the Y because the parking was ridiculous. OK so that was an OK excuse for a while but then I just got lazy. When running started I enjoyed doing so outside and continued to donate $38 to the YMCA every month without using their services. So today I went - for the first time in a LONG time. So long that I hadn't seen the renovations. After being slightly intimidated by the new machines and layout I had a great workout. I only did 15 minutes on the elliptical because my main purpose was to weight train. I sucked up the embarrassment and read the instructions on most machines because they are so different from the old ones. I lifted for about a half hour - I have a feeling I'm going to be quite sore tomorrow. I've certainly missed working out and will continue. When I did the hip abductor and adductor machine I could feel I was working the area that has been bothering me during my run. I am going to faithfully do that machine and hopefully strengthen so that the hip pain does not continue. The stretching I did yesterday and today has certainly helped with any post run soreness. I can barely tell I ran 9 miles yesterday. Apparently I was not stretching well enough before!
My other wasting money realization was my weight watchers online donation. I pay to use their services online to track my points, find recipes etc. and lately because I've been eating so poorly I haven't tracked my weight or points. I did so today - I logged my weight in and cringed when I saw my pounds lost go down with my weight gain. I restarted my week today and ate wonderfully! I did well on fruits and veggies and ate balanced meals. I ate totally on points today and even had ice cream without going into any flex points. I even earned 3 points in activity at the Y.
So...no more wasting money - I WILL go to the Y more faithfully and use my weight watchers online subscription. I am actually going to a gentle yoga class tomorrow morning that says it focuses mainly on flexibility. I'm hoping I don't look like a fool and that I enjoy it. While tomorrow morning is suppose to be HUMID, tomorrow evening shouldn't be bad so I'll do my maintenance run then. Two workouts in one day?? Who is this person? :)
My other wasting money realization was my weight watchers online donation. I pay to use their services online to track my points, find recipes etc. and lately because I've been eating so poorly I haven't tracked my weight or points. I did so today - I logged my weight in and cringed when I saw my pounds lost go down with my weight gain. I restarted my week today and ate wonderfully! I did well on fruits and veggies and ate balanced meals. I ate totally on points today and even had ice cream without going into any flex points. I even earned 3 points in activity at the Y.
So...no more wasting money - I WILL go to the Y more faithfully and use my weight watchers online subscription. I am actually going to a gentle yoga class tomorrow morning that says it focuses mainly on flexibility. I'm hoping I don't look like a fool and that I enjoy it. While tomorrow morning is suppose to be HUMID, tomorrow evening shouldn't be bad so I'll do my maintenance run then. Two workouts in one day?? Who is this person? :)
9 down...4 to go
At 5 am - I woke up wondering why my alarm was going off but I thankfully felt pretty awake. I ate breakfast, got dressed and headed out the door way early. Our run began a little late since poor Robin had to organize everything by herself this week since Amy and Lea Ann were out of town. My group walked to the 1 mile marker to meet up with our full marathoner addition to our group. From the 1 mile mark we headed on our way. It was hot and humid and but the running wasn't too bad. I had taken 2 Tylenol this morning to hopefully avoid the hip pain I've been feeling while running. It did in fact help. My much needed water stop was at the end of rails to trails and enjoyed filling up on water and Gatorade and eating a few skittles. Totally loved having the skittles at each water stop - nice sweet treat along the way. About half way through S started to feel her ankle bothering her after injuring it earlier this week. We agreed to send her home to rest it rather than injure it further. I wanted so bad to be done at 5 corners. For weeks now 5 corners has been the stopping point. It was painful to realize that after 5 corners we had 2 more miles to go. By this point I was worrying about continuing to run. I kept checking my watch and counting down to the next walk break - my right foot started to go numb as the pain in my right hip increased. I stopped to stretch a bit but with little relief. By the time we were mid loop behind the Y, my leg started to go numb. I decided I needed to walk a bit more and we took a little longer of a walk break. At the 8 mile mark I just couldn't do it. G was wonderful and waited with me walking as I needed to. We walked at least half of the final mile - running maybe 2 mins or so at a time and walking for 2 or 3 mins. When the 9 mile marker was in sight we decided to just run to finish. Walking did relieve some of the numbness but not all. It certainly did not help my mood, but we did finish only 4 1/2 mins after our goal pace time. With the amount of walking we did, as well as a few minutes spent at water stops, I was surprised and pleased that we finished so close to pace time. We must have been running faster than a 13 min. mile.
After the run I munched on some watermelon then headed to bagel bakery with D and her daughter. I never in my life have looked at a bagel and not devoured it. I just didn't really want it. I should have just bagged it up and ate when I felt better but I did eat it and drink some OJ. I spent a good amount of time in the bathroom when I got home - not sure why though. I ate Shot bloks rather than sport beans this run - I wonder if that had any effect or not. I think next week I'll try only sport beans and see if that helps. I took a cold shower and stretched and am forcing myself to drink a G2 to replace some salt since I was VERY salty at the end of the run. So overall I was a little disappointed in my amount of walking and my numb foot and leg but I just need to mentally keep a positive head about it. My goal this week is to get both maintenance runs in as well as 2 trips to the Y to lift a bit. If the numbness continues during my runs this week or during next Saturday's 10 miler I'm going to make a doctors appointment.
After the run I munched on some watermelon then headed to bagel bakery with D and her daughter. I never in my life have looked at a bagel and not devoured it. I just didn't really want it. I should have just bagged it up and ate when I felt better but I did eat it and drink some OJ. I spent a good amount of time in the bathroom when I got home - not sure why though. I ate Shot bloks rather than sport beans this run - I wonder if that had any effect or not. I think next week I'll try only sport beans and see if that helps. I took a cold shower and stretched and am forcing myself to drink a G2 to replace some salt since I was VERY salty at the end of the run. So overall I was a little disappointed in my amount of walking and my numb foot and leg but I just need to mentally keep a positive head about it. My goal this week is to get both maintenance runs in as well as 2 trips to the Y to lift a bit. If the numbness continues during my runs this week or during next Saturday's 10 miler I'm going to make a doctors appointment.
aches and pains,
training runs,
9 miler eve
Tomorrow morning is the 9 mile run at 6am. Have I mentioned that lately? For some reason this week is freaking me out a bit. All along I've been very positive about this running thing. Two weeks ago after eating poorly and being sore I punked out and walked the 7 mile. Two days later I did run the 7 miles with Nicole. Last Saturday I was driving back to NC and missed the 8 miler. Tuesday morning Nicole and I ran the 8 miles. This will be my first week back with my pace group and for some reason I am really nervous as doubts start to set in about being able to run for nearly 2 hours - keeping a consistent pace - and not being super sore in my hips. Maybe the nerves come from the fact that I didn't do any maintenance runs (minus the 8 miles on Tuesday). Or maybe it comes from the fact that I still am not eating totally on track. Maybe it's the massive life transitions lately - summer vacation - 2 grad classes - friends moving to NC - getting ready to move myself etc. Maybe it's because this is the last single digit mile week. Tomorrows run is only 4 miles shy of a half marathon - can I really do this? I know I can - I'm over half way there but it's still a bit of a mental battle. I wanted to be in a much better place physically at this point in training. I'm sure tomorrow will be just fine (even though our two coaches won't be there). I just need to silence the negative thoughts and just prove to myself tomorrow that I can do this.
my priorities
This morning I was slated to awake at 6:55, get dressed and go on a 40 minute maintenance run. This morning at 6:55 I hit snooze. I hit the snooze again at 7:04, 7:13, 7:19, and 7:28. My alarm was shut off at 7:37 and I finally rolled out of bed at 8:35. Hmm...definitely not going to get in a maintenance run, breakfast, and shower before leaving for Jay and Ellen's at 9:40. It's summer, sleeping is important right?? I shouldn't feel too guilty about missing the run right?? If I don't get a chance to run tonight I will attempt again tomorrow morning since I cannot hit the snooze Saturday morning otherwise I'd miss my 6am 9 mile run.
On an eating note: Today is the new start of eating healthy again - back to points - back to fruits & veggies - back to being better at working out.
On an eating note: Today is the new start of eating healthy again - back to points - back to fruits & veggies - back to being better at working out.
8 miler
This morning Nicole and I woke up at 6:15 and got ready to run. I fought a bad mood about having to run. After not running for a whole week and gaining a ridiculous amount of weight I felt slightly less than peachy when we started out. I was huffin and puffin and I could feel the fact that I had put on weight. My hips keep getting super sore but they are not popping anymore. The weather was perfect - mid 60s and slightly breezy - great for a run and it did help my mood. Overall the run went well - we finished right on target time - 1 hour and 44 mins. My goal today is not to sit too much since I am S O R E already. I have so much to do before I head back to the land of fried food and sweet tea on Saturday, including a 5 and 12 page paper for my grad classes. I figure I'll so my maintenance run Thursday and then the 9 miler back with my pace group will be on Saturday at 6am - eek (not in reference to the running but the time change).
aches and pains,
training runs,
weight watchers
I am back from the land of fried food, sweet tea and BBQ and am only 3 pounds (eek) larger. Ugh. I did do a maintenance run Wednesday morning in VA but once we arrived in NC and began to eat the world, running or for that matter eating healthy was not a focus. I was going to run my missed 8 miler this morning but Nicole and I decided it might be better to get back on track more with what we're eating then run the 8 miler Tuesday morning. I am also still super sore from painting - my hamstrings remind me of the hours of painting and swatting to do trim work in E and J's awesome new house.
I won't miss any more Saturday runs until my family reunion which falls on our 14 mile run. The only other time I will be eating not so wonderful will be next weekend and early week when I'm back in the land of fried food to help E and J move. Then it's back on points, maintenance runs and cross training at the Y. I'm looking forward to focusing on being healthy and in shape this summer.
I won't miss any more Saturday runs until my family reunion which falls on our 14 mile run. The only other time I will be eating not so wonderful will be next weekend and early week when I'm back in the land of fried food to help E and J move. Then it's back on points, maintenance runs and cross training at the Y. I'm looking forward to focusing on being healthy and in shape this summer.
aches and pains,
training runs,
weight watchers
7 miles again
After wimping out on the 7 mile run on Saturday, I ran 7 miles this morning. I started on rails to trails at my apartment and did the 7 mile loop ending back at the apartment. Nicole and I ran together since she was away on Saturday and we did my 3:1 ratio and finished the 7 miles in 1 hour and 26 mins - 5 mins faster than my set pace. I'm still in a state of shock that on the first weekday of summer vacation I woke up at 5:45 and ran 7 miles - who is this person??
Since I'll be leaving tomorrow night to go to NC I'll miss next Saturday as well so I'll do the 8 miler Sunday morning. I'm hoping that I can do my maintenance runs this week and attempt to eat well while eating out every meal (ACK!). I've worked so stinkin hard to loose weight and with all the school year ending mess I've gained 4 pounds back - I know I'll gain some this week because I won't be able to control where I eat - I just hope that I can stick to making the best choices possible. I don't want to set myself back too much!!!
Off to get my toning workout as I finish moving and putting my classroom back in order. I have SO much cleaning and organizing to do at school and home so I better get to work - after a cool shower of course.
Since I'll be leaving tomorrow night to go to NC I'll miss next Saturday as well so I'll do the 8 miler Sunday morning. I'm hoping that I can do my maintenance runs this week and attempt to eat well while eating out every meal (ACK!). I've worked so stinkin hard to loose weight and with all the school year ending mess I've gained 4 pounds back - I know I'll gain some this week because I won't be able to control where I eat - I just hope that I can stick to making the best choices possible. I don't want to set myself back too much!!!
Off to get my toning workout as I finish moving and putting my classroom back in order. I have SO much cleaning and organizing to do at school and home so I better get to work - after a cool shower of course.
I am totally worthless today. I have 6 chapters to read today for grad school, a paper to write, and several posts to make. I have a week's worth of laundry to do and tons of cleaning. However I have not accomplished any of that since coming home from walking this morning. After doing my banking online I fell asleep for almost 3 hours. I just woke up starving so I am eating something then taking a much needed shower. I foresee a long night ahead of me to get all this grad work accomplished but oh was that 3 hour nap worth it!
holy blister batman!
So I chickened out and walked the 7 miles today. When I woke up the last thing I wanted to do was get out of bed, let alone run. My stomach was iffy from the lovely food I've been eating, including pizza last night and I was SORE. I figured walking 7 miles was better than nothing. Walking was great - although my hands got totally swollen - such a weird feeling- and I got a blister! Normally blisters wouldn't be a huge deal and this was isn't really either but it's between two of my toes. I fussed with it of course and although I want it to air out I put a band aid on it. Just sitting here it rubs and hurts so band aids and I will be buds for a little while. I'm hoping to run the 7 miles tomorrow with Nicole. I also need to get myself back on track with eating right! I cannot wait to be back in a normal routine with eating and working out. Summer here I come!! 7 miles...more than half of a half marathon...WooHoo!
Tired is the word of the day! After being told less than 35 hours ago that I would be moving my classroom, I am officially moved down the hall. In that process of ending school and moving my whole room I've eaten like crap and haven't hydrated properly at all. The whole situation makes me a little nervous for my 7 mile run tomorrow. I can barely keep my eyes open now and it's only 5:30. I am totally sore from head to toe. Moving without a cart requires one to use many muscles! I hope that when I wake up in the morning I'm feeling great - energized & not sore - however I have a feeling that the run tomorrow might be a little tough! I've already decided in my head that I can always drop back a pace group if I need to for this week. We'll see. Schools over - haven't slept in yet - and my classroom is a mess. I'm hoping to finish it Monday with Nicole's help - maybe then it will feel like summer has really begun.
an hour ago...
An hour ago I was dressed to run and on my way out the door. I arrived back home 10 minutes ago! Who is this crazy person who inhabited my body this morning and caused me to get out of bed at 5:10? It only took 4 days to actually get myself out of bed early enough to run! This morning was a gorgeous 67 degrees. With my dying Ipod on I started with a 4 min. walk then ran for 11 min, 2 min walk, 9 min run, then decided to actually do my run walk ratio of 3:1 for a few cycles and finished with a 3 min walk. The Ipod lasted until the last minute of my final walk! The first thing I did as I came in the door was get a glass of water and a bottle of G2. Currently sipping those after stretching while cooling off. Normally at this time of the morning I've just woken up and eaten breakfast with Nicole - if I even am awake.
So today I've decided I'm not counting points - I stopped yesterday after I ate half a donut, a cookie, some appetizers at Chilis, and a Mint Mocha Chip Frappachino. (Oh yea and crab dip from the Pub)...It was the last day of kids...I had to celebrate. I am the same weight this morning as I was yesterday morning so running should help that not to catch up with me. Today is our staff party and our celebratory Shorebirds game tonight. In the grand scheme of life these 2 days off points won't kill me. I'm not even going to attempt to count - although I'll control what I can. Friday is back on points and being good - especially since I don't want to feel the effects of eating poorly while running 7 miles on Saturday!
Off to make spinach dip, shower, and grab breakfast - hm...do I get a bagel or just stick with cereal at home.???
So today I've decided I'm not counting points - I stopped yesterday after I ate half a donut, a cookie, some appetizers at Chilis, and a Mint Mocha Chip Frappachino. (Oh yea and crab dip from the Pub)...It was the last day of kids...I had to celebrate. I am the same weight this morning as I was yesterday morning so running should help that not to catch up with me. Today is our staff party and our celebratory Shorebirds game tonight. In the grand scheme of life these 2 days off points won't kill me. I'm not even going to attempt to count - although I'll control what I can. Friday is back on points and being good - especially since I don't want to feel the effects of eating poorly while running 7 miles on Saturday!
Off to make spinach dip, shower, and grab breakfast - hm...do I get a bagel or just stick with cereal at home.???
heat wave
This recent heat wave has halted by maintenance runs. With temperatures in the low 100s when I arrive home from school I've decided to stay inside and not run. Why not go to the Y and run you ask? I've never before run on a treadmill and the thought of trying to figure out how to do so while adjusting it to my run walk ratio feels daunting. I thought about running Monday morning at 5:20 - my alarm went off - I turned it off. I thought about running Tuesday morning at 5:30 - my alarm went off - I sat up in bed - talked to my cat - layed back down and fell asleep. I am thinking about running tomorrow morning at 5:30. I shall set my alarm and hopefully make it out of bed. It might help if I lay out my running clothes tonight. I figure with tomorrow's 5am temps at 71 that will be my best shot at running this week. I can't go from last Saturday's 6 miler to this Saturday's 7 miler without running at all during the week. With the staff party and Shorebirds game Thursday night and Ellen's birthday Friday night (night of rest before the run) - tomorrow is my last chance. Positive thoughts for the 5:20 wake up and 5:30 run tomorrow OK?
So I ran a 10K today!!! Today I ran farther than I ever have before (are you noticing a pattern with that statement?). My pace group was one person smaller but we did just fine! Other than my hips being a little sore and it being ungodly humid I felt great. I woke up this morning to 73 degree temps at 5:45am with 100% humidity! It was so humid you could see it in the air. Yick! The 3:1 pace is great for me - most times the walk break comes just when I need it and other times I count down to it, later in the run of course. We stopped at both water stops, refilled, got wet towels and ice and kept on going. I ate my fruit punch sport beans as we approached mile 4 - they rock by the way - sweet and not hard to eat at all - although it did take me more than my 1 minute walk break to get them all in. I totally wanted to take more walk breaks in the last mile but I knew I could do it - it just would have been more enjoyable to keep walking rather than running. I pushed through that and ran. Seeing the 6 mile mark was awesome - we hit it 3 mins early according to our pace time but we kept running to finish the 6.2 to make it a 10K. I was tired & really sweaty when I was done but I really couldn't complain much about the run - I felt great - eating and drinking along the way kept my body in balance. Next week...7 miles. I still can't believe I'm doing this!
A beautiful day in the neighborhood
...but I feel fat. So, I'd love to know how one can eat on points and exercise consistently but yet feel fat and not lose weight. Ugh. I know I just need to be patient but come on! Anyway - I had a great run today - a little short but I have a lot of work to do tonight and was feeling a little overwhelmed. Nicole and I ran a 4:1 for 25 mins but at a faster pace than normal. It felt great! We are going to run again tomorrow and do a longer run, as long as I don't punk out after field day. The thought of the 6 mile run coming up on Saturday is a little daunting but I can do it.
For anyone interesting - Sunday from 2-4 at EES Dobson is a Women on the Run expo - I'll be selling my Stampin Up stuff and donating a portion of the proceeds to the Dobson runners. They'll be LOTS of other demonstrators - door prizes - 50/50 - and Chinese raffles etc - So come and support the Dobson Easton ROCKS runners!
For anyone interesting - Sunday from 2-4 at EES Dobson is a Women on the Run expo - I'll be selling my Stampin Up stuff and donating a portion of the proceeds to the Dobson runners. They'll be LOTS of other demonstrators - door prizes - 50/50 - and Chinese raffles etc - So come and support the Dobson Easton ROCKS runners!
almost half way there
That's right folks - I ran five miles today which is almost half of a half marathon! :) hehe. Today was the first day wearing water belts. While it did bounce around and annoy me for a few miles it was wonderful to have water to drink whenever I wanted it. Next week we also have to have a snack with us - I think I'll try my sport beans (jelly belly jelly beans made for runners). My pace group and I (name still to be determined by my students) ran a little fast - we finished in 62 mins but were slated to finish in 65. We need to slow it down a bit but I'm sure that'll happen next week with 6 miles. I felt it this week! My hips were tight/sore/bugging me and at times I just wanted to slow down. I never felt the need to stop altogether though - I wasn't out of breath just sore. I feel good - I might go for a walk tonight though if it isn't storming just to keep my muscles loose!
A few of us stinky runners went to the bagel bakery after and sat, ate and talked for about an hour and a half. It was so nice to talk to each other and not run at the same time. Some of my fav girls who are in the pace group ahead of me :( came along so it was nice to spend time with my old running buddies. Too fast for me!
On a training/diet update: I've been hydrating pretty well although I should up my water intake more during the school day. I've been on points but after craving Chinese on Thursday, it took up the majority of my flex points so I certainly can't cheat this weekend! Must be good...must be good. My next weigh in is Monday and I'm hoping to have lost more than 50 lbs. I hit the 50 lb park last Saturday but gained some after eating at panera bread, although it was totally worth it! As of this morning I have 12 days to lose 4 pounds. Tough but doable if I don't cheat! We shall see. I didn't cross train at all this past week but I did get my 2 required maintenance runs in -thanks to Nicole. Thursday we were slotted to run but I didn't want to and I wanted Chinese. She bribed me - we ran a shorter amount in exchange for going out for dinner. :) I love bribery!
OK...I stink and the shower is calling my name. Pray I don't get too stiff today and I sit at the PERK!!!! and do grad work and grading. I have almost a marking periods worth of grading to do before I can start my report cards. Oy! Today is a work work work day so I can have FUN tomorrow!
A few of us stinky runners went to the bagel bakery after and sat, ate and talked for about an hour and a half. It was so nice to talk to each other and not run at the same time. Some of my fav girls who are in the pace group ahead of me :( came along so it was nice to spend time with my old running buddies. Too fast for me!
On a training/diet update: I've been hydrating pretty well although I should up my water intake more during the school day. I've been on points but after craving Chinese on Thursday, it took up the majority of my flex points so I certainly can't cheat this weekend! Must be good...must be good. My next weigh in is Monday and I'm hoping to have lost more than 50 lbs. I hit the 50 lb park last Saturday but gained some after eating at panera bread, although it was totally worth it! As of this morning I have 12 days to lose 4 pounds. Tough but doable if I don't cheat! We shall see. I didn't cross train at all this past week but I did get my 2 required maintenance runs in -thanks to Nicole. Thursday we were slotted to run but I didn't want to and I wanted Chinese. She bribed me - we ran a shorter amount in exchange for going out for dinner. :) I love bribery!
OK...I stink and the shower is calling my name. Pray I don't get too stiff today and I sit at the PERK!!!! and do grad work and grading. I have almost a marking periods worth of grading to do before I can start my report cards. Oy! Today is a work work work day so I can have FUN tomorrow!
4 miler and beyond
Saturday's 4 mile run went very well. My pace group and I finished 2 minutes faster than we were suppose to but we were feeling good. It's encouraging to know we can slow down a bit. The 3:1 walk ratio is great. It had been awhile since I had done a 3:1 since I normally train at a 4:1. I never felt as though I wouldn't make it to the walk break. The five mile seems less daunting now that I've experienced the 4 mile with such positive results. My hip was super sore after but I've been working on stretching it the right way. After I ran today I couldn't even begin to stretch it but I babied my hip through the stretch - inch by inch - until I could stretch it properly without pain. So far so good. Really other than the hip popping and pain I feel great. Tomorrow I think Nicole and I are going to go for a bike ride as our cross training. This could be my week to eat right and exercise - while getting a good night's sleep Friday. Could the stars really align to make me put all my "requirements" in place at once? We shall see.
I'm cutting it short because it's beautiful out and company is coming over soon. :) Happy running!
I'm cutting it short because it's beautiful out and company is coming over soon. :) Happy running!
And the winner is....
Glenda! Glenda bought some last minute tickets and was the gran prize winner of a week at The Pelican in Avon, NC. Together we made almost $1,000 selling the tickets. So each of us will get almost $250! That puts me over my $1,000 requirement to race and closer to my new goal of $1,310.
Thanks this week to ALL who bought raffle tickets and my Aunt Nancy, my latest supporter!
I am being good tonight - ate on points - drank plenty of water - ate my pasta - and have a evening planned at home which will include going to bed at a decent time. Hopefully all that will help me be prepared for tomorrow's 4 miler. No update after the run tomorrow - a bunch of us are headed to Ripken Stadium to watch St. Michaels HS baseball play in the state tournament. A day of fun in the sun!
Thanks this week to ALL who bought raffle tickets and my Aunt Nancy, my latest supporter!
I am being good tonight - ate on points - drank plenty of water - ate my pasta - and have a evening planned at home which will include going to bed at a decent time. Hopefully all that will help me be prepared for tomorrow's 4 miler. No update after the run tomorrow - a bunch of us are headed to Ripken Stadium to watch St. Michaels HS baseball play in the state tournament. A day of fun in the sun!
tight tonight
So today I ran. That's about all I have to say about that experience. I was tight - a bit sore - and the running just wasn't all that enjoyable. But...I did it. I backed off and only did six 4:1 run/walk cycles and walked a bit before and after. It still falls under what I need to do during the week but I'm feeling the effects of my laziness. I need to move more on work nights - whether it's cross training, cleaning, or doing laundry - I need to be more productive and less sedentary when I get home from work. I'm sure that will help. With that said - I'm off to clean a bit - launder a bit - and then work on lesson plans for next week.
Next Up: Fundraising info tomorrow on my mail in donors this week - final amount of fundraising from beach house raffle - and announcement of the beach house winner.
Saturday is the 4 miler - first increase in mileage - first week in pace groups - first time someone tells me to slow down my pace. :)
Next Up: Fundraising info tomorrow on my mail in donors this week - final amount of fundraising from beach house raffle - and announcement of the beach house winner.
Saturday is the 4 miler - first increase in mileage - first week in pace groups - first time someone tells me to slow down my pace. :)
Iran with my Ipod
Lovin the Ipod! I did run today - 45 minute run walk ALL over town. I am a bit sore - probably since I hadn't run since Saturday. Bad bad Carolanne.. I know! I will run again tomorrow then await my pace group 4 miler on Saturday. Nothing new really - just watching some American Idol then heading to bed. Still eating on points and working out - I can't wait to see how this pays off.
Well...I am really going to do this now. The official race weekend hotel is booked. (sorry folks - I went up in price and went for the hotel on the boardwalk at the finish line!). Jen had found a cheap hotel with a kitchen (which is awesome since we need to watch what we eat prior to the race). However it was about 25 blocks from the finish line/concert area. I'd love to save money but the thought of booking it and being unhappy with comfort etc just outweighed the savings. I mean truly - how often do I stay in a hotel Labor Day weekend in Virginia Beach. SO....Nicole and I opted to spend a bit more and go in on the block of rooms LeaAnn had at Surfside Oceanfront Inn & Suites. The pictures are nice - and it does have a fridge and microwave - so "cooking" at the hotel will be possible. Now that I'm spending gobs of mula on the hotel - if anyone wants to pamper the runner with a gas card for the trip that would be wonderful - nothing like a moocher right? hehe.
I've been a slacker on the running this week - well to be honest I haven't done anything since Saturday but I've eaten really well - doesn't that count for something? I swear - If I am on target with the exercise I'm eating handfuls of M&Ms - If I am eating right I am lazy. Someday this will match. It better! I just set my end of school year weight loss goal - Which would mean 7 pounds by 6/12. It's a stretch but possible if I work hard - SO...do not buy me candy or chocolate - NO inviting me out to eat - Let me lock myself in eat on points and exercise - I have to do this for me!! The tempting food just truly isn't worth me feeling uncomfortable. Plus - my goal gift arrived and Nicole is holding it hostage until I reach the goal and I REALLY want to show it off before school lets out. So...7 pounds in 23 days - woohoo!!! Here I come!
I've been a slacker on the running this week - well to be honest I haven't done anything since Saturday but I've eaten really well - doesn't that count for something? I swear - If I am on target with the exercise I'm eating handfuls of M&Ms - If I am eating right I am lazy. Someday this will match. It better! I just set my end of school year weight loss goal - Which would mean 7 pounds by 6/12. It's a stretch but possible if I work hard - SO...do not buy me candy or chocolate - NO inviting me out to eat - Let me lock myself in eat on points and exercise - I have to do this for me!! The tempting food just truly isn't worth me feeling uncomfortable. Plus - my goal gift arrived and Nicole is holding it hostage until I reach the goal and I REALLY want to show it off before school lets out. So...7 pounds in 23 days - woohoo!!! Here I come!
Now that I've been up for 14 hours and have been done running for 12 hours I thought I'd update you. I'm tired. My legs are tired! They are actually kind of restless from hip to ankle! I definitely have to walk a while tomorrow to stretch them out. So..a little sore and tired but doing well (even though I'd like to pig out a bit on ice cream or something but I only have 2 points left for the day...that won't be happening. grrr.)
3 miler
I'm getting pretty comfortable at this 3 mile thing. :) Too bad I can't do 3 miles again on a Saturday ever again. Ha. Today was our 3 mile timed run so that our coaches could put us in pace groups. I made group I - which is a 12 min mile (a far cry from where I started in training). That puts me at a 3 min run, 1 min. walk ratio for the entire 1/2 marathon. I'm not sure who else is in my group yet. A few of my favorite running buddies are in the group right ahead of me doing a 4:1 - which is what I've been running. The run felt good today - was the first time I ran with my Ipod in ages. It helped tremendously since we were to run on our own, which I haven't done in ages either. I still love my sneakers! No aches or pains - although my right hip area was tight before we ran. I really need to do those stretches and strengthening exercises I ripped out of running world. They had an article about "hip popping/clicking" - which is my only running issue. It hasn't caused a problem when running like it used to last year but I almost constantly now have a small popping anytime I walk. It's just a matter of strengthening that muscle so I need to do that so it doesn't cause problems as we increase miles.
On a fundraising note: I am at 87% of my goal! WOOHOO!!! My supporters this week - who of course are rocking my world are: Frank & Ellie, Steph & Chris and Kristy (not sure if I mentioned her $130 donating from the jewelry party before). I know I have 3 more definite checks on their way plus the money we split from the beach house raffle puts me WELL above my goal. So... I am going to increase my goal from $1,000 to $1,310 ($100 per mile). I'm constantly amazed at the generosity of my friends and family. You guys ROCK for ROCKS!
P.S. - The VA Beach 1/2 marathon shirts just went on sale - I've been waiting for them to list these since I decided to join - I am SO going to order one today! :)
On a fundraising note: I am at 87% of my goal! WOOHOO!!! My supporters this week - who of course are rocking my world are: Frank & Ellie, Steph & Chris and Kristy (not sure if I mentioned her $130 donating from the jewelry party before). I know I have 3 more definite checks on their way plus the money we split from the beach house raffle puts me WELL above my goal. So... I am going to increase my goal from $1,000 to $1,310 ($100 per mile). I'm constantly amazed at the generosity of my friends and family. You guys ROCK for ROCKS!
P.S. - The VA Beach 1/2 marathon shirts just went on sale - I've been waiting for them to list these since I decided to join - I am SO going to order one today! :)
8 points
I earned 8 activity points today and I'm gonna go get a reduced fat banana chocolate chip coffee cake from Starbucks to get rid of the 8 activity points. :)
I did a bit of pilates and yoga earlier today then ran tonight. I am certainly tired - sore muscles - definitely going to take it easy tomorrow. I'll probably just do an easy run tomorrow and then rest Friday to prepare for the timed 3 miler Saturday morning.
On the weight loss side - I'm ALMOST back down to my 50lb weight loss since I started WW. I had reached that goal a few months ago and quickly gained 12lbs. back. If I work hard my weigh in on Monday could put me back to my 50lb loss. Then it's all smiles from there. That will make me the lightest I've been since freshman year of college! It took me long enough but it's SO worth it. This marathon thing is so helpful in forcing me to workout in addition to eating right!
I also just bought my 10% weight loss gift from life is good. WW encourages people to reward themselves every time they lose 10% of their body weight. I used to reward myself with food...DUH - could be the reason why it took me so long to lose. My next 10% is only 6 pounds away - so it's ordered but I can't use it until I reach the goal. :)
I did a bit of pilates and yoga earlier today then ran tonight. I am certainly tired - sore muscles - definitely going to take it easy tomorrow. I'll probably just do an easy run tomorrow and then rest Friday to prepare for the timed 3 miler Saturday morning.
On the weight loss side - I'm ALMOST back down to my 50lb weight loss since I started WW. I had reached that goal a few months ago and quickly gained 12lbs. back. If I work hard my weigh in on Monday could put me back to my 50lb loss. Then it's all smiles from there. That will make me the lightest I've been since freshman year of college! It took me long enough but it's SO worth it. This marathon thing is so helpful in forcing me to workout in addition to eating right!
I also just bought my 10% weight loss gift from life is good. WW encourages people to reward themselves every time they lose 10% of their body weight. I used to reward myself with food...DUH - could be the reason why it took me so long to lose. My next 10% is only 6 pounds away - so it's ordered but I can't use it until I reach the goal. :)
training runs,
weight watchers
It's raining and cold!
Why yes Amy I know it could rain on race day...and of course it could be 45 degrees but after training for 5 months I'd run anyway...however I backed out of running 45 mins. today. It's cold and rainy! I did cross train though - a 40 minute pilates dvd...spent much of it laughing and attempting the moves. I can totally feel that I worked my muscles but it was certainly harder than the pilates class that we had at school. So...I shall run tomorrow...I promise - but if it's cold and rainy I may just opt for going to the Y.
2nd Saturday of Obligation
Last night's high of raising $130 quickly turned into this morning's slump of tiredness. There was very little of me that wanted to run this morning. Again my stomach was bugging me (could have been all the spinach & herb dip or cookies from the party). After Nicole and I both whined to each other about not wanting to get up and go - we both did get up and get ready to run. It was chilly and did end up raining on us. I had decided on the car ride there that I would just run the 2 miles necessary and call it a day. That didn't happen. I quickly ended up with my normal group and ran 3.2 miles around town. We did about a 13 minute mile and it wasn't bad at all. At about mile 1.5 my stomach decided to remind me of my poor eating choices the night before. As it rumbled I listened, slowed down, and prayed I wouldn't have to stop. Without letting anyone know what was going on inside my body I kept running and my running buddy Jen kept talking to me. Without realizing it, the rumbling went away and we finished strong. After chatting and stretching for a few minutes Nicole and I headed to the Bagel Bakery for breakfast! The 3 mile timed run is next week - I'll have my pace group and then the following week we'll increase in miles. Overall things are still going well. I need to focus more this week on keeping a training schedule, including cross training, and eating well the night before. Some week it will all fall into place I'm sure.
On a side note: I was insistent on eating well today so before I headed to PA, I bought a 20oz. G2 and a 23oz water for the ride. I decided to skip my usual wawa stop and just stop at the PA rest stop. That proved to be a VERY poor choice. When I began to merge onto 95N I realized I had to go to the bathroom - like...very soon. That wouldn't have been a problem normally because the PA rest stop would be coming within 20 mins or so. However, some genius decided to close 2 of the 4 northbound lanes on 95 this weekend due to construction. So...It took me over 35 minutes to travel about 5 miles. All the while shifting in my seat as I got more and more uncomfortable. At this point my G2 was 3/4 gone and my water was 1/2 gone. Who could blame me...I was thirsty! I decided to get off whatever exit was first - bad choice! I traveled into downtown Wilmington - where there are NO places to head to the bathroom. When I felt as though I was going to burst or cry from frustration of not knowing where I was and desperately having to pee...I stopped at a convienence store/gas station/pizza shop. I walked in and asked if they had a bathroom. I must have looked desperate because I was ushered to the back kitchen where the door to the bathroom had tips on what to do if being burglarized. After waiting for a worker to finish using the bathroom I finally had my chance. THANK GOD! The traffic and bathroom adventure extended my trip by an hour. A little annoyed but overall relieved I finished my trip and my drinks and arrived in PA safely! Words of Wisdom - DON'T drink all that and skip the normal bathroom stop in an effort to save time.
On a side note: I was insistent on eating well today so before I headed to PA, I bought a 20oz. G2 and a 23oz water for the ride. I decided to skip my usual wawa stop and just stop at the PA rest stop. That proved to be a VERY poor choice. When I began to merge onto 95N I realized I had to go to the bathroom - like...very soon. That wouldn't have been a problem normally because the PA rest stop would be coming within 20 mins or so. However, some genius decided to close 2 of the 4 northbound lanes on 95 this weekend due to construction. So...It took me over 35 minutes to travel about 5 miles. All the while shifting in my seat as I got more and more uncomfortable. At this point my G2 was 3/4 gone and my water was 1/2 gone. Who could blame me...I was thirsty! I decided to get off whatever exit was first - bad choice! I traveled into downtown Wilmington - where there are NO places to head to the bathroom. When I felt as though I was going to burst or cry from frustration of not knowing where I was and desperately having to pee...I stopped at a convienence store/gas station/pizza shop. I walked in and asked if they had a bathroom. I must have looked desperate because I was ushered to the back kitchen where the door to the bathroom had tips on what to do if being burglarized. After waiting for a worker to finish using the bathroom I finally had my chance. THANK GOD! The traffic and bathroom adventure extended my trip by an hour. A little annoyed but overall relieved I finished my trip and my drinks and arrived in PA safely! Words of Wisdom - DON'T drink all that and skip the normal bathroom stop in an effort to save time.
Cookie Lee
Just a quick note tonight since I should be in bed!
I had my Cookie Lee Fundraising Party tonight - and raised $130. Thanks to all the wonderful people that bought jewelry!!!! I also got TONS of free and reduced priced jewelry too which was an awesome benefit. Adding the $130 from tonight's party with the wonderful donations from Christine and Dad (again) I am now at 75% of my goal. With the money coming in from the beach house raffle tickets and the 2 checks I know are also heading my way soon I will be so close to reaching my $1000 goal well in advance.
Now..to focus more on training...off to bed. 6am will come mighty quick! After the run I'm home to pack and head to PA for Mother's Day. I also have to finish my curriculum unit by Sunday night...so I will be busy busy busy! Hopefully I'll find time to update you all about my run tomorrow.
I had my Cookie Lee Fundraising Party tonight - and raised $130. Thanks to all the wonderful people that bought jewelry!!!! I also got TONS of free and reduced priced jewelry too which was an awesome benefit. Adding the $130 from tonight's party with the wonderful donations from Christine and Dad (again) I am now at 75% of my goal. With the money coming in from the beach house raffle tickets and the 2 checks I know are also heading my way soon I will be so close to reaching my $1000 goal well in advance.
Now..to focus more on training...off to bed. 6am will come mighty quick! After the run I'm home to pack and head to PA for Mother's Day. I also have to finish my curriculum unit by Sunday night...so I will be busy busy busy! Hopefully I'll find time to update you all about my run tomorrow.
So...first week of official training and in comes the lack of motivation. Lots has happened this week that I've chosen to use as excuses. I did run today - down to the ball field to see some students play and then ran back. I was sore and tired but I pushed myself. I could have done better had today not been the first day I ran since Saturday morning. With everything going on I won't run again till Saturday morning. I need to get myself more in gear next week!
On a fundraising note: I am already at 60% of my goal. My Cookie Lee fundraising party is Friday and we're still selling raffle tickets for a beach house. I know for sure I have 2 more checks on their way. I am feeling really confident about the raising of the funds!
On a fundraising note: I am already at 60% of my goal. My Cookie Lee fundraising party is Friday and we're still selling raffle tickets for a beach house. I know for sure I have 2 more checks on their way. I am feeling really confident about the raising of the funds!
there are no words
I honestly can't think of much to say - which is a rare occasion for me. I received a $250 donation for my 1/2 marathon today from Lisa Beamer! It truly just brings tears to my eyes. For those of you who don't know who that is let me explain. Lisa and her husband Todd were my youth leaders in high school. They also taught my Sunday school class at Princeton Alliance Church. I babysat their little boys and just absolutely adored the whole Beamer family. Todd was a passenger on Flight 93 that crashed in PA on September 11th. He meant so much to me and I never had the chance to tell him that. Lisa and I have kept in touch through Christmas cards each year and her and her kids' pictures are on my fridge. They hold such a special place in my heart. She and Todd have always been more than generous to me, supporting my many mission trips, but never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I'd receive such a large gift. So Lisa, if you are reading this - Thank you - you've not only supported my cause but shown me once again the type of person you are - always thinking of and caring for others. I hope to one day bless others as you have blessed me throughout my life!
So I will not wait until Friday to honor my extra special donor - Lisa - THANKS!!!!
So I will not wait until Friday to honor my extra special donor - Lisa - THANKS!!!!
The day after
I woke up this morning - no hip popping - no knee pain. Woohoo! I feel good, from running that is. I barely slept last night because I can't breathe. I must have gotten a cold. My head was killing me and I am super congested as well as way tired. I've learned that the post run nap on Saturday is going to be a must, even though I never got one in yesterday. By 8pm I was dragging and just sat around ready for bed. Here's hoping today is a bit more productive on the laundry and cleaning end. Tomorrow is back to school and pilates.
Training Day 1
LOVE IT! Let me say it again - I LOVED this morning. But let's back up a bit. Amy said to eat healthy the day before - hydrate well - get enough sleep - and get up about an hour before the run and move around. Hm...didn't so a lot of that. Let's start with yesterday - Debbie bought her girls donuts - I ate a few mini frosted donuts...then went to Rams Head in Annapolis for dinner. It was the first day in 3 weeks I've eaten off points. I had a bacon cheeseburger, french fries and a glass of beer...oh and peanut butter pie. Whoops! I paid for it this morning a bit in the bathroom, which I assumed. I was a little worried that I would also pay for it on the run but my stomach eventually settled down and I was just fine. Having so many people running together was encouraging. I was also encouraging to set the pace for a group of 3 milers and feel good about the pace. I have come a long way in just a few months. It makes me excited to see how much farther along I'll be come race day.
We ran today at a 4:1 ratio for 3 miles - which took about 38 minutes. I felt so good when we were done, I totally could have kept running. That fact alone made me feel tons better about this training. I don't have to increase milage for another 2 weeks so I'll be more comfortable at the 3 mile by then and definitely be ready to increase milage. I'm also loving being awake and alert so early on a Saturday. I have the whole day ahead of me - running done, breakfast done, shower done and normally I've only just woken up by now.
On a fundraising note: I'm now are 33% of my goal! :) My newest supporters are: Becky, Mary, & Debbie! Love them! Cards are on the way...gotta make some more today. Off to the outlets with Nicole then home to be productive!!! Many smiles today from the happy runner. I promise next Friday I'll eat healthier (at my fundraising Cookie Lee party.....anyone wanna come???).
We ran today at a 4:1 ratio for 3 miles - which took about 38 minutes. I felt so good when we were done, I totally could have kept running. That fact alone made me feel tons better about this training. I don't have to increase milage for another 2 weeks so I'll be more comfortable at the 3 mile by then and definitely be ready to increase milage. I'm also loving being awake and alert so early on a Saturday. I have the whole day ahead of me - running done, breakfast done, shower done and normally I've only just woken up by now.
On a fundraising note: I'm now are 33% of my goal! :) My newest supporters are: Becky, Mary, & Debbie! Love them! Cards are on the way...gotta make some more today. Off to the outlets with Nicole then home to be productive!!! Many smiles today from the happy runner. I promise next Friday I'll eat healthier (at my fundraising Cookie Lee party.....anyone wanna come???).
training runs,
weight watchers
Great day for a run
Today was a great day for a run. It was in the 60s (I think), sunny and just plain gorgeous outside. We ran about 3 miles at a 4:1 ratio and certainly picked up the pace from last week. This week we averaged a 12-13 minute mile ( last week was 14-15 min miles). It felt good...really good and my feet did not go numb. I did loosen up my laces and that must have helped. What a relief. This will be my last run before the first official Saturday morning group training run. I can definitely see myself doing a 4:1 ratio through the training and marathon. I would like to see if I could hack a 5:1 but I'm not going to push that just yet - adding miles is more important at this point than extending my run ratio.
I'd love to write more but I have a huge graduate curriculum unit due to my revision team by tonight and haven't done a whole lot on it. Off to get working on that. Ugh... I enjoy running more than curriculum writing - never thought I'd say that!
I'd love to write more but I have a huge graduate curriculum unit due to my revision team by tonight and haven't done a whole lot on it. Off to get working on that. Ugh... I enjoy running more than curriculum writing - never thought I'd say that!
Pluggin Along
So...I ran with my new sneaks today. I did a 4:1 ratio - 8 times - 5 minute walk to start and 2 minute walk after. Nicole and I ran together - she clocked it out to about 3 1/2 miles. That would be the farthest I've ever gone. Woohoo. I felt really good after we got going. I picked up my pace a bit and overall my body felt pretty good. One thing that did bug me were my feet. I know...I just got new sneakers and I'm complaining about my feet. They started to go numb from the outer toes in. By the end of the run the outer half of both feet were fairly numb. My feet used to do this when I did cardio at the Y in my old sneakers. I couldn't ever tell why. I thought maybe tonight my laces were tied a bit too tight so I'll loosen them up tomorrow and see if that improves any. One thing that was great about my new shoes were their ventilation. My toes were nice and airy. Hopefully the numb feet thing only has a short life span and I'm back to normal feet once again.
After the run today I also tried some of the during run "snacks" that we have to have every 45 mins. Nicole and I bought a plethera of snacks to try and see what we like best and can stomach while running. Today's snack of choice were Sharkies. They are gummie like things - organic - with some after taste but I think they are totally doable. Pretty cheap at Target - they are in the running. I've also bought sport jelly beans and cliff shot bloks. If anyone has any suggestions on what they eat while they run please pass that info along!
After the run today I also tried some of the during run "snacks" that we have to have every 45 mins. Nicole and I bought a plethera of snacks to try and see what we like best and can stomach while running. Today's snack of choice were Sharkies. They are gummie like things - organic - with some after taste but I think they are totally doable. Pretty cheap at Target - they are in the running. I've also bought sport jelly beans and cliff shot bloks. If anyone has any suggestions on what they eat while they run please pass that info along!
So... look at my cute new shoes! Huge props going out to Fleet Feet in Annapolis! So
me of the crew headed there this evening to get fitted for running shoes. They were totally knowledgeable and low and behold told me I am NORMAL (or at least my foot is!). These sneaks are totally comfortable - love the color and the fun wave in the heel! I am actually excited to go running tomorrow to officially try them out. I also got a new bra - gotta protect the ladies (sorry gentlemen). It was from a company called Moving Comfort. I have never felt more comfortable in a sports bra before. Totally need to check out this company more.
On another exciting note - today was my Weight Watchers weigh in day - I lost 3.8 pounds last week. Still have a few pounds to go until I am back to my 50 pound weight loss...I can totally be there within the next two weeks (I hope). I just can't express how much better I feel physically, emotionally and mentally lately. I'll be even better in 31 more school days. :)

On another exciting note - today was my Weight Watchers weigh in day - I lost 3.8 pounds last week. Still have a few pounds to go until I am back to my 50 pound weight loss...I can totally be there within the next two weeks (I hope). I just can't express how much better I feel physically, emotionally and mentally lately. I'll be even better in 31 more school days. :)
On my own...
This weekend I am home alone. Normally I catch up on school work, clean, and sit in front of the TV. I hadn't exercised since our group run on Wednesday and I knew I had to run today. And...I did. I am normally not that self motivated but when you have new running clothes and a new running watch why not run?
I just got back from doing a 4:1 ratio (4 minutes of running and 1 of walking) for 30 minutes - walked about 5 mins prior and about 6 after. I did have to take two minute walk breaks twice. I wanted to stop so bad after 25 min of running. It's all such a head game so I talked myself into it and finished out what I had intended to run. My body felt tired but good -no aches or pains. My knees have been really good lately and my hip is still sore a little but I think that is improving. At least it doesn't pop - I must be strengthening those muscles! Hopefully I can motivate myself to run again tomorrow since I won't be able to run or do pilates :( on Monday.
Monday Debbie, Nicole, Donna and I will be heading to Fleet Feet in Annapolis to get fitted for running sneakers. I'm excited to actually get real sneakers and to retire the ones I've been using now for a while.
Training officially starts next Saturday so I treasured sleeping in this morning until 10. I won't be able to do that again until September!!! Well...off to shower and run some errands. I have 2 bags of clothes to drop off at good will - they are just too big for me...oh shucks..I might just have to buy some new clothes to replace them. :)
On a fundraising note:
As of this week I've pulled in almost 25% of my goal! Thanks goes out to this week's supporters : Ellen and Fred (waiting to see what he sent but he told me a check is on the way so I'll give him credit this weekend!)
Thank you cards will be coming to those folks soon - on tonight's agenda is making cards with my abundance of Stampin Up goodies!
I just got back from doing a 4:1 ratio (4 minutes of running and 1 of walking) for 30 minutes - walked about 5 mins prior and about 6 after. I did have to take two minute walk breaks twice. I wanted to stop so bad after 25 min of running. It's all such a head game so I talked myself into it and finished out what I had intended to run. My body felt tired but good -no aches or pains. My knees have been really good lately and my hip is still sore a little but I think that is improving. At least it doesn't pop - I must be strengthening those muscles! Hopefully I can motivate myself to run again tomorrow since I won't be able to run or do pilates :( on Monday.
Monday Debbie, Nicole, Donna and I will be heading to Fleet Feet in Annapolis to get fitted for running sneakers. I'm excited to actually get real sneakers and to retire the ones I've been using now for a while.
Training officially starts next Saturday so I treasured sleeping in this morning until 10. I won't be able to do that again until September!!! Well...off to shower and run some errands. I have 2 bags of clothes to drop off at good will - they are just too big for me...oh shucks..I might just have to buy some new clothes to replace them. :)
On a fundraising note:
As of this week I've pulled in almost 25% of my goal! Thanks goes out to this week's supporters : Ellen and Fred (waiting to see what he sent but he told me a check is on the way so I'll give him credit this weekend!)
Thank you cards will be coming to those folks soon - on tonight's agenda is making cards with my abundance of Stampin Up goodies!
So...update on the tons of extra points left over today... I drove past Rita's to see if they had my favorite ice (Mint Chocolate Chip) and they did!!!! So I got a Gelati worth 11 points. It was worth every last point. If I wanted to I could still eat 1.5 points left over from my activity. Love it!!! What a way to end the day. :)
Amy's mean!
Amy made us run too much today. Ha. I only say that because I promised her I would post it. Actually it was a great run. I felt good, after a little while, and we ran at a good pace for me. We did about 2 1/2 miles averaging between a 14 & 15 min mile. The 3:1 ratio felt really good today and I think I might actually try the 4:1 during my other runs this week to see if that can become as comfortable. We went off the track and ran on the road for our time today- loved it. I was nice not to just run in circles - different scenery!
My realization that this weekend is my last one to sleep in on a Saturday was a scary one. I am going to sleep until I just can't stand it anymore on Saturday. Starting next weekend I'll be up by at least 6am every Saturday until September for our training runs. This is really starting - I'm excited but it still doesn't seem real.
On a fundraising note: Debbie is raffling off her beach house for any offseason week through April of 2009 in the Outer Banks, NC. If interested in buying a ticket let me know - $15/1 $25/2 or $50/5. All proceeds will be split among 4 runners who are selling for our marathon goal of $1000. To see her house click below:
Off to find something else to eat - I earned 3 WW points for running today and I still have 9.5 regular points left for the day. I should not eat that many points of ice cream so I'll have to put some thought into my snack (snacks) for this evening. I was good and did have some G2 after running. It's not often I'm willing to give up points in a drink but it's good for me.
My realization that this weekend is my last one to sleep in on a Saturday was a scary one. I am going to sleep until I just can't stand it anymore on Saturday. Starting next weekend I'll be up by at least 6am every Saturday until September for our training runs. This is really starting - I'm excited but it still doesn't seem real.
On a fundraising note: Debbie is raffling off her beach house for any offseason week through April of 2009 in the Outer Banks, NC. If interested in buying a ticket let me know - $15/1 $25/2 or $50/5. All proceeds will be split among 4 runners who are selling for our marathon goal of $1000. To see her house click below:
Off to find something else to eat - I earned 3 WW points for running today and I still have 9.5 regular points left for the day. I should not eat that many points of ice cream so I'll have to put some thought into my snack (snacks) for this evening. I was good and did have some G2 after running. It's not often I'm willing to give up points in a drink but it's good for me.
And the money arrives
When we started having marathon meetings, the coaches said that the fundraising would be the easiest part of the process. Well - after sending some emails I already have raised $198. I sent 40 letters today and I'm sure that will only continue the fundraising efforts. I can't wait to have Kristy demo a Cookie Lee party where some proceeds will go to my fundraising. This week Debbie and I are also going to make raffle tickets for a week at her beach house to raise funds to be split among the teachers running. Already being at 20% of my goal and having not even really begun the training is awesome!
A huge thanks to this weekend's supporters:
Pia, Phil, Julie & Bob, Mom & Dad, Nicole, and finally my first financial supporter- Dr. Salmon!!!!!!
Today was pilates after school. I absolutely love it even though it is TOUGH! I am strengthening muscles I didn't even know I had. I intend to continue with Pilates even after training is over. It is obvious why people who do it are in such awesome shape and I want to be one of them. Tomorrow I hope to run and Wednesday is our group training run - this week we move off the track and hit the road. :)
So far - injury free and still extremely motivated!
A huge thanks to this weekend's supporters:
Pia, Phil, Julie & Bob, Mom & Dad, Nicole, and finally my first financial supporter- Dr. Salmon!!!!!!
Today was pilates after school. I absolutely love it even though it is TOUGH! I am strengthening muscles I didn't even know I had. I intend to continue with Pilates even after training is over. It is obvious why people who do it are in such awesome shape and I want to be one of them. Tomorrow I hope to run and Wednesday is our group training run - this week we move off the track and hit the road. :)
So far - injury free and still extremely motivated!
Cookie Lee
The wonderful Kristy Gancasz is going to help me raise money for my 1/2 marathon by helping me host a Cookie Lee jewelry party. I love their stuff - she is wonderful - and I'll raise money while hanging with friends and buying jewelry...ok sign me up! May 9th - Friday night - my place...come on over. If you are interested email or see me! Help me reach my goal by buying fun jewelry for yourself or others!
By the way - I got my first check donation today from Dr. Salmon - the Superintendent of my school system. THANKS!!!!
By the way - I got my first check donation today from Dr. Salmon - the Superintendent of my school system. THANKS!!!!
Today x 7
I ran today - third day in a row! It was 75 degrees and it felt HOT. Becky and I ran 3 mins with a 1 or 2 min. walk break for a half hour. It was encouraging to know that my pace group will probably be a 3:1 or 3:2 ratio so I'll just have to keep up what I did today for 13 miles...haha. That was the daunting thought. 13 miles and late summer heat. It's hard to imagine that I'll be doing this in a few months but I am SO excited. I'm also so excited to have a day off of running tomorrow. I'm a bit sore - my left knee hurts a bit and my right hip was popping while I was walking today but was ok while I was running. Those are my common running issues so hopefully as I continue those will work themselves out through cross training etc.
On fun training gear news : My water belt and blister free socks arrived today. I NEVER thought I'd wear a "fanny pack" but I tried on one to hold my water bottle and "snacks" along the way and the one I bought isn't too bad. I'm just trying not to think about how I look while running and just focus on functionality of it. My new blister free WrightSocks are the most expensive socks I've ever purchased. Normally I get 5 pairs for what this one pair cost! I can't wait to try out my new gear though! I'm still waiting for my Timex Ironman watch to come in the mail. The next big purchase will be my running sneakers!!!
On fun training gear news : My water belt and blister free socks arrived today. I NEVER thought I'd wear a "fanny pack" but I tried on one to hold my water bottle and "snacks" along the way and the one I bought isn't too bad. I'm just trying not to think about how I look while running and just focus on functionality of it. My new blister free WrightSocks are the most expensive socks I've ever purchased. Normally I get 5 pairs for what this one pair cost! I can't wait to try out my new gear though! I'm still waiting for my Timex Ironman watch to come in the mail. The next big purchase will be my running sneakers!!!
Pre-training runs
In preparation for the 1/2 marathon training, a group of us have been running weekly to get ourselves up to 3 miles using the couch to 5K program. It is a wonderful (and tough) program that I had used last fall when I ran 2 5Ks. I had not run since I played field hockey my sophomore year in high school and had no desire to start. Although it's been difficult the running bug bit me. I still can't believe I've committed to run 13.1 miles in only 4 and 1/2 months. I finally motivated myself this week to get back on Weight Watchers and exercise. So far I've eaten on points all week and ran twice, since Monday. I hope I can keep this motivation throughout the training - in regards to eating and running. I'm sore but I feel good. The running also gives me exercise points on WW and now I get to eat 3 more points worth of food tonight...BIG BONUS! I'm not always this gung ho and motivated so I'm sure I'll need some encouragement along the way!
If you haven't seen it yet - I have a fundraising page
If you feel led to donate a dollar or two to help me reach my $1000 fundraising goal for the 1/2 marathon please stop by!
Feel free to comment - send the blog to others - and please keep checking in on the progress...I'm sure things will only get more interesting
If you haven't seen it yet - I have a fundraising page
If you feel led to donate a dollar or two to help me reach my $1000 fundraising goal for the 1/2 marathon please stop by!
Feel free to comment - send the blog to others - and please keep checking in on the progress...I'm sure things will only get more interesting
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